What is KW? Meaning of the word KW on Facebook
Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site today because in addition to collecting and searching more social information, Facebook also helps people stick together. So some Facebook trends are also appealing to all walks of life. And KW is no exception. So, what is KW ? What is the meaning of KW on Facebook? Let's TipsMake.com go find out this problem.
KW is an abbreviation of Keywords which means 'keyword'
If you're seeing someone posting status with the hashtag #kw tag, it means they're participating in a #kw movement on facebook.
The #kw trend is a game to bring people together, someone will comment on himself or others when you have voted 'like' or 'comment' on their status.
Because it is a trend on Facebook, it is often found in teenagers, young people, at an age that likes to explore, discover, curious about new things. In addition, the #kw movement also shows the love, affection and care of people on Facebook.
However, there are still many components that take advantage of this trend to apply tricks like on Facebook.
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