What does SOS mean? When should I use SOS?

What is SOS? If you are also wondering what the meaning of this word is, the article below is the answer for you.

In your life, you've probably heard the SOS word or saw an SOS call on your phone or the radio telegraph device, you will also see the SOS letter, anywhere you see the word appear. So do you know what the true meaning of this acronym is?

If you are also wondering what the meaning of this word is, the article below is the answer for you.

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1. What is SOS?

What does SOS mean? When should I use SOS? Picture 1What does SOS mean? When should I use SOS? Picture 1

SOS is an abbreviated English phrase for many words such as: Save Our Ship, Send Out Succour (Save our Souls), Save Our Souls, Shoot Our Ship, Sinking Our Ship, . However, the most standard and widely used acronym in this sense is Save Our Souls (save our souls). This meaning appears by the following words of English:

Save: It means helping, helping but also means 'Saving' (Save Money)

Our: This is our own, noun, property.

Souls: Souls, originally Soul means soul.

When combining these 3 individual words we will get the phrase Save Our Souls with the meaning above.

2. When is SOS used?

What does SOS mean? When should I use SOS? Picture 2What does SOS mean? When should I use SOS? Picture 2

SOS is a signal that has been widely recognized and used worldwide. At first, when it first appeared, SOS was only an emergency signal for ships when they encountered accidents at sea. But now SOS is used in every emergency case.

Hopefully, through the above analysis about SOS, you understand what this word means and an acronym for which word. When you encounter dangers that need help, remember this help signal.

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