Websites that change the world
According to Wikipedia, the number of websites in the world today is a 31-digit number. But it can be said that it is the merit of a few "pioneers".
Lesson I: Early life
On August 6, 1991, the world received the birth of the first website built on the technology of World Wide Web (www) by engineer Tim Berners-Lee. The author of this website is none other than Berners - Lee with his calling it a ' global reachable metadata collection with a huge world of data '. This is just a Lee website built to guide people how to use and apply the world wide web technology. The original version of this website is still being stored here.
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GeoCities - who brings the web to the masses (photo of the interface in 1996)
The web world in the early days was boring and quiet because after 4 years of birth, websites were still the achievements of scientists or academics with very 'informal' information. But things have changed quickly when David Bohnett and John Rezner - the two founders of Beverly Hills Internet decided to change their company name to GeoCities with allowing everyone to freely build for themselves. I own a personal style website, with any content they like or even create a website that 'does nothing'. The most important thing is that this job is completely free.
Rob Malda, the founder of Slashdot, remembers: ' It was a time when at least half of the world's websites were placed on GeoCities '. So far many Internet experts still have to admit that Tim Berner Lee 'spawned' the World Wide Web but it was GeoCities that made the World Wide Web 'human.' People named this phase of the web world as 'GeoCities' era.
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If GeoCities has succeeded in disseminating and massifying the World Wide Web, Blogger also makes the web environment more friendly to people when bringing a 'dynamic' website that people can access and edit. change, add and remove content anywhere, anytime.
Blogger was born in August 1999 but in 2003, the service was really booming and 'feverish' when Google acquired it along with a variety of auxiliary applications such as WordPress, TypePad, Tumblr and until now Bloggers have millions of services just to serve bloggers.
There is a coincidence that when Blogger came along, GeoCities disappeared because of Yahoo's acquisition. Calling GeoCities disappeared because since Yahoo bought no user can replace the familiar saying 'Go to my GeoCities page' by saying 'Visit Yahoo! My GeoCities'.
The most memorable point of Yahoo! For web users, it is the search folders that it has brought. This is something that people have never experienced at GeoCities.
Founded by Stanford University alumni Jerry Yang and David Filo in January 1994, Yahoo! has become a 'mountain' of different directories with all kinds of services. But Yahoo's heyday does not seem to last long when its strongest point is that the search service is quickly overtaken by late births. Alta Vista or Google are the ones who have made Yahoo constantly struggle to find the glory he has lost until today. Jimmy Wales, co-founder of the Encyclopedia, opened wikipedia, saying: " They were once dominant, but it was wrong to follow the 'technology-driven' path without doing it as Google is 'market-oriented.' . I hope they will realize this and regain their number 1 status . '
Danni hard drive
In the spring of 1995, Danni Ashe discovered that his "fiery" image could be sold after a news website posted her image. Danni Ashe hired a number of developers to build a professional personal website. But dissatisfied with the results achieved, Danni taught himself HTML to design the website his way. In December 2000, Danni Ashe named himself in the Guinness Book of Records as the "Most downloaded image on the Internet" with over 1 billion downloads.
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After the success of Danni, the world understands that not only images but music tracks can also be sold on the Internet and the website was launched in 1998. The birth of is also known. with the role of "popular MP3 audio format" and the birth of the digital music industry.
' I remember that when I downloaded the music and recorded it in a CD, it took me about 8 hours. But that made me very excited , 'recalls Rob Malda of Slashdot.
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In September 1995, developer Pierre Omidyar designed and launched the first auction site called AuctionWeb and changed its name to eBay. The birth of eBay means that housewives also have the opportunity to become successful entrepreneurs without having to roll around the market. So far, eBay is still a model when the world refers to the concept of 'e-commerce'.
Brian Groth - Microsoft Windows Live Product Manager is a fan of this service. Groth said: ' Not many websites dare claim that they have succeeded in creating an ideology of the era but eBay has done it. They further affirmed that there is no limit to the development of the web world . ' And Wikipedia's founder claimed: ' It is really Web 2.0 before Web 2.0 comes out. '
Amazon is another example of Web 2.0 being really applied before its true concept came into being.
Jeff Bezos first launched his online shopping service in 1994 as Cadabra but then he realized that the name sounded similar to the word 'cadaver' (corpse). intend to change to Amazon.
At first it was just a website that sold ordinary books but later people brought all kinds of goods to sell here. If eBay only focuses on auction, Amazon is a real store (or hypermarket) with the concept of e-shopping (online shopping).
( Continued )
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