11 people have changed the Internet world
The modern internet you are still using everyday is the result of the endless dedication of many people. The wonderful world of the Internet has brought great changes to many aspects of human life. The history of the Internet began in 1960 and was originally developed to serve research in the fields of science and military.
The most rapid development of the Internet took place between 1989 and 1991. After this period, modern Internet began to develop rapidly with many services launched to improve the user experience. Here is a list of some of the characters who cannot help but mention their dedication to the development of the Internet.
1. Larry Page and Serge Brin - Google.com
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In September 1998, Larry Page and Serge Brin, then still two computer science students from Stanford University, created the world's largest and most popular search engine, now called Google. Currently, this Internet empire has about 30,000 employees and is considered to be the most experienced technology engineers in the world. At the moment, it is estimated that Google serves about 3 billion search queries a day to users around the world. The reason is, Google has achieved such a large coverage in the Internet world because it is not only a text search engine, Google also brings more than 22 other specific features serving almost all needs. basic users on the Internet such as watching weather, computers, maps, currency conversion, viewing flight schedules, movie showtimes .
2. David Filo and Jerry Yang - Yahoo.com
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Born in January 1994, Yahoo is the result of two engineers who are pursuing a PhD program at Stanford University. Specifically, Yahoo is considered a network of web services, including search, news, finance, email and social networking. In November 1994, the number of Yahoo users was estimated at 170,000, which increased to 500,000 4 years later. Currently, although Yahoo's heat is no longer maintained as the first few days due to competition is so great, no one can deny the importance and dedication of Yahoo in user orientation. in the first days of mass Internet development.
3. Bill Gates - Microsoft
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Bill Gates (full name is William Henry 'Bill' Gate III) is a famous American businessman, he is a regular name on the list of the richest people in the world and the richest person in the world for many years. consecutive. From a young age, Bill Gates was extremely fond of computer programming and software. In 1975, he and a friend named Paul Allen created a software company called Microsoft. It quickly gained widespread recognition with one of the most famous products to mention the Windows operating system, the most used operating platform worldwide. Bill Gates is also loved by his tireless contributions to volunteer activities around the world.
4. Steve Jobs - Apple
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Steve Jobs is one of the most influential people in the computer industry because in 1976, he and Apple co-founder Steve Woznaik seemed to make a revolution in the industry by launching the Apple. Computer. In 1985, due to disagreements that could not be resolved with Apple executives, Steve Jobs must pity to leave his own "child" that he had built himself, however, he did not give up and set up a company. My own next name is NeXT. This is the factor that helps Steve Jobs have the opportunity to return to Apple and revive 'apple flaws' in the most difficult days. The great products Steve Jobs developed include the iMac, iPod, iPhone, iTunes and the App Store system. In 2011, Steve Jobs died forever due to cancer. He left a lot of inspiration for later generations after all he devoted throughout his life.
5. Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook
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In 2004, from Harvard University dormitory, the first version of social networking site Facebook was introduced to Mark Zuckerberg to a small group of friends and began to make strong coverage in the Harvard student community for a short time. later. Over nearly 10 years of development, Facebook has now had more than a billion users and has become an integral part of many people's lives. Currently, Mark is considered the most terrible 'CEO' in the US with an average income of 2.3 billion USD in 2012, this figure is too impressive when compared to what the famous CEOs another achieved as Tim Cook with a total income of USD 143 million.
6. Jimmy Wales - Wikipedia
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On January 15, 2001, Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger introduced the open source encyclopedia to the community called Wikipedia. This service quickly received much praise and support from the community so far Wikipedia has 4.4 million articles in English and 12 million articles of 285 other languages about almost every owner. threads in life. He is also a famous adviser of the US government as well as universities. During his years of operation, Jimmy Wales received many noble awards, especially, in 2006, he was listed by Time Magazine as the "Top 100 most influential people in the world".
7. Steve Chen and Chad Hurley - Youtube
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If you are a regular Internet user, perhaps the name of Youtube is not too strange. Accordingly, this is a service developed by three former Paypal employees Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim. Just over a year after its birth, Youtube has become one of the fastest-growing websites on a global scale thanks to its friendly, easy-to-use interface and anyone can access a wide video repository. Large via Internet connection. Although YouTube was acquired by Google, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley are still working on this service.
8. Bram Cohan - Bit Torrent
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You may not know much about Bram Cohan, but he is the father of the BitTorrent peer-to-peer protocol. Accordingly, this is a method of great importance because it allows people to share large files with many people easily.
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