TV has sound but not on video, the reason and how to fix it
The television has long become an indispensable electrical device for every family. But what to do if suddenly one day your beloved television only has sound and not on screen. Today let's find out some of the reasons and how to fix this situation through the article below!
1. The TV signal has an error
If you were watching television, suddenly the TV lost the picture while the sound was still playing normally. Try switching to other channels first to check if the TV has lost picture on one channel, or on all channels.
- How to fix
Proceed to re-tune the channel by going to the TV's Settings.
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Select the Broadcast item.
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Select Auto Tuning.
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2. Wire is loose
Usually the TV is connected with electrical wires and connecting cables that support the function. Therefore, during cleaning the area around the TV may cause collisions that cause wires to be broken, or wires and ports connected to the TV may become loose.
- How to fix
Reattach the connecting cables between the receiver and the TV. If the wires are rusted or broken, call your cable TV provider to have them replace them.
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Also, check if the video cord (with the yellow end) is correctly connected to the connection port or is the HDMI cable connected properly?
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3. Video quality is not good
If you are using other data sources other than television to watch TV such as DVD, USB, . but not receiving a picture signal, the data source you are using may be faulty or insufficient. quality.
- How to fix
Change data source: If using a DVD, try replacing DVDs to eliminate scratches, poor quality, or clean the reading of the DVD.
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If using USB , try Format USB and copy better content.
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If after changing data source, TV has sound but watching TV channel, no picture is displayed, it means that TV is not faulty. At this time, because the TV signal is not good, you should contact your cable TV provider for the best signal upgrade and repair.
4. TV has been used for too long
If your TV has had a 'lifespan' for a few years and you have tried to check the above methods but the TV is still not sounding again, your TV is in need of inspection and maintenance after a long time use.
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- How to fix
Please contact the warranty center for advice and best support.
Hopefully, with the above general article, you have grasped a number of causes, as well as basic steps to fix the error of not showing up for your television.
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