Try Bitdefender Total Security 2012 for 90 days
Bitdefender Total Security 2012 is sold for $ 79.95 / 1 year of use. At the current promotion, users get 3 months free trial of this product.
To get this special installation, you just need to download the online installation here and then proceed with the installation according to the instructions. After installation is complete, you will get a free 90-day version.
Try Bitdefender Total Security 2012 for 90 days Picture 1
Some key features of the program:
• Rescue mode - Rescue mode : Helps you quickly and effectively clean up the hidden hidden threats operating in the system. In this mode, the computer will be started in ' Safe mode ' and perform scanning operations - anti-malware.
• Optimize performance with Scan Dispatcher : Make the most of computer performance to scan the system. Underground scanning mode is launched when your computer is in a low-use state, so you won't feel the computer is slow when installing the program.
• Integrated cloud services : Thus new threats arising across the system are soon discovered and listed. This makes users more secure and better protected in real time.
• Safebox - Backup & Synchronize files online : Once configured, Bitdefender Safebox helps you keep track of files in the specified directory and back them up directly to Bitdefender's server and Automatically synchronize them when any changes are detected. This capacity limits the threshold for 2GB of free usage.
• Auto Pilot : Operations on the system will become simpler. Auto Pilot eliminates the hassle of using software by optimizing them when security issues arise. This means there will be no more alerts and warnings that appear to be causing you trouble.
• Protect social networks : When you receive strange links from social networks, BitDefender will help you scan these links and monitor the security settings available on your computer.
• Prevent browser crashes : With Virtualized Browser, you can set up a 'transparent' environment to browse the internet without affecting the system. Then your computer is safer.
• Quick installation mode : Bitdefender Total Security 2012 version helps you shorten a lot of time in installation compared to previous versions.
System requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP SP3 (32 bit), Vista (SP2), Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) or higher.
- Processor: 800MHz or higher, recommended from Dual - Core 1.66GHz line.
- Minimum RAM memory of 1GB, if you use Windows Vista / 7, you need at least 1.5GB.
- Browser used: Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, FireFox 3.6 +.
- The computer needs a .Net Framework 3.0, otherwise the program will require downloading and installing.
- Hard disk space is at least 800MB.
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