Top 20 incredible facts about dreams you may not know
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Dreams. Mysterious, wild, vague and sometimes a nightmare like living in hell. Dreams are natural and more than that. Here are the Top 20 incredible facts about dreams that you may have never heard of . Invite everyone to read!
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Truth # 1: You can't read or know about the time when you're dreaming
If you're not sure if you're dreaming or awake, try trying to read something. Most people can not read in dreams . It is the same as looking at the watch: every time you look back, it is a different time and the clock is not moving.
Truth # 2: Dreamful of consciousness
In fact, there must be a cult of those who practice things called conscious dreams or lucid dreams. By using different techniques, these people are said to have learned to control their dreams and do extraordinary things like flying, going through walls and traveling to other dimensions or even return to the past.
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Truth # 3: The inventions come from dreams
Dreams are the source of the greatest inventions that human beings have ever known. Some typical examples are:
- Ideas for Google - Larry Page;
- Tesla - Tesla;
- Double-helix of DNA - James Watson;
- Sewing machine - Elias Howe;
- Dimitri Mendeleyev - Dimitri Mendeleyev;
. and many, many more.
Truth # 4: Dream prophecy
There are a few amazing cases when people really dream about things that will happen to them in the future and the same way as in the dream.
It could be said that they had a glimpse of the future, or that it was just a coincidence. In fact, this is still an interesting and strange phenomenon. You can tell some famous prophetic dreams like:
- Abraham Lincoln dreamed of his assassination.
- Many victims of 9/11 had dreams of warning about the tragedy that will happen to them.
- Mark Twain's dream about his brother's death.
- 19 proven prophetic dreams about Titanic shipwreck disaster.
Fact # 5: Paralysis when sleeping
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Hell is real and it is called sleep paralysis . A real nightmare. I - the author of the article had to endure this as a child and I can say how horrible it is. The two manifestations of this paralysis are the inability to move and the feeling of a very evil presence in your room . It is not a dream, but a 100% truth.
Studies show that during an attack, people who suffer from this condition see a large amount of activity in the amygdala. The almonds are responsible for the instinct to ' fight or run ' and emotions about fear, terror and anxiety.
Fact # 6: REM sleep behavior disorder
In REM ( rapid – eye-movement) state , your body will be paralyzed. But in rare cases, people act according to dreams. As a result, broken arms and legs, furniture were smashed and at least one case was reported as a house caught on fire.
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Truth # 7: 'Hot' dream
The scientific name ' Nocturnal penile tumescence ' is a proven phenomenon. The amateur term simply means that you will get erectile while you sleep. In fact, studies show that men can erect up to 20 times in a dream.
Fact # 8: Strange sleepwalker
Sleepwalking is a rare and potentially dangerous sleep disorder. This is a high state of REM disorder and these people not only act on the dream they actually have on night adventures.
Lee Hadwin is a nurse but he is a painter in the dream. This story is real. Lee Hadwin sleepwalked and painted masterful portraits, things he could never remember later. ' Strange adventures ' include:
- A woman who loves strangers when sleepwalking;
- A man drove 22 miles and killed his relative while sleeping ( How could that be? );
- A sleepwalker walked straight out of the third-floor window and froze.
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Truth # 9: Addiction to dreams
In fact, there are people who like dreams and they dream so much that they don't want to wake up. They want to continue to dream even during the day, they use a very powerful hallucinogenic drug that is not legal called Dimethyltryptamine . In fact, this is just a form of separation and synthesis of the chemicals that the brain produces naturally when we dream.
Truth # 10: Dream-catcher
Dream-catcher is one of the most popular American Aboriginal symbols. It is one or more threads woven around a ring and decorated with sacred objects to protect you from nightmares.
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Fact # 11: An increase in brain activity
You can associate sleep with peace and tranquility, but in fact our minds are more active when we sleep than we do during the day.
Truth # 12: Creativity and dreams
As mentioned above, dreams promote inventions and artistic masterpieces. The whole is all fascinating. Moreover, they also reload energy for our creativity.
In rare cases of REM disorder, people do not dream at all. These people suffer a significant decline in creativity and perform tasks that require very bad creative solutions.
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Truth # 13: Pets also dream
Our companions also dream. Watch your dogs or cats, you will see them move their legs and make noises as if they are chasing something.
Fact # 14: Always dream - only you don't remember
Many people claim that they never dream, but that is not true: everyone dreams, but up to 60% of people don't remember anything about their dreams.
Fact # 15: Blind people also dream
Visually impaired people are not born with dreams in their eyes, but they cannot see anything for their blind people. However, they still dream and their dreams are intense and interesting, which is due to other senses, not sight.
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Fact # 16: In dreams, we only see faces that we once knew
It has been proven that in dreams, we only see faces we have met in real life. Be careful with the old lady with the scary face sitting next to you on the bus will most likely appear in the next nightmare.
Truth # 17: Dreams tend to be negative
Surprisingly, dreams are often more negative than positive. The three most known emotions when dreaming are anger, sadness and fear.
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Fact # 18: Dream many dreams in a long night
You can dream up to 7 times a night depending on the number of REM cycles. We only dream at the REM stage of sleep and an average person will dream about 1-2 hours a night.
Truth No. 19: Gender differences
Interestingly, up to 70% of the characters in a man's dream are men, but in the dreams of women, the number of men and women is equal. Moreover, the dream of men is more violent. And both sexes dream about equally hot dreams.
Fact # 20: Not every dream has a color
About 12% of people only dreamed of black and white.
Author: Simon Andras
See also: Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep
Having fun!
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