11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep
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Night comes when each of us wants to have a good night's sleep and recharge our bodies. However, it is difficult to find someone who has never encountered some strange and unpleasant feelings in sleep. Because many cases woke up with a sense of embarrassment with a little panic because what happened during sleep last night was not normal at all. Let us learn through 11 mysteries that can happen in your body when you're sleeping !
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 1 © Henry Fuseli / wikipedia
Feeling: Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt like having difficulty breathing like having something heavy on your chest, wanting to open your eyes to call for help or movement of your arms and legs was powerless? Add to that scary illusions and it feels like someone is in the room. In ancient times, it was thought that this was related to being teased by demons. That is the feeling of the shadow.
Why does that happen: While under pressure, the cortex is strongly stimulated so that people become alert no matter how awake. But then the neurological connections between the brain and the body parts are not cleared, meaning that the muscles in the body ' turn off ' when the brain is awake. As a result, a person with a dullness feels numb like someone is pressing his or her hands and feet.
About 7% of the world's population experience this phenomenon, indicating that prone posture can lead to a case of ballooning. So you just need to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle that can escape this obsession.
Hypnagogic illusion
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 2 © demian / depositphotos © maxpixel © HypnoArt / pixabay © Michael Day / wikipedia
Feeling: Hypnagogic hallucinations are not really a type of sleep disorder because this happens when you're going to sleep or when you wake up, not when you're sleeping. We can often hear someone calling our name, the bell ringing in our ears or seeing horrible images like ghosts, clowns, corpses, .
Why does that happen: It is worth mentioning here that healthy people may also encounter this situation. Children are more often on the grounds that they don't want to go to sleep. Hypnagogic hallucinations can occur due to stress, anxiety or simply having a rich imagination. In addition, they can also appear if you go to bed when you're drunk.
Say dream
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 3 © Maridav / depositphotos
Feeling: Saying dreams is a normal phenomenon, can happen to all subjects and is also relatively common. This phenomenon is most common in children. Adults often dream when their bodies are tired or stressed, such as when they have high fever, stress, lack of sleep . However, if the phenomenon of dreaming happens many times and repeated, you should review your health status.
Why does that happen: Although this phenomenon of dreaming is not psychologically dangerous, sometimes you will also feel anxious because you are afraid to tell yourself deep secrets that are not always known. . In particular, men and children are more prone to this condition, due to stress. The spirit of that person is trying to resist what they disagree with.
See also: Do you know the full moon may be the reason why you don't sleep well?
Dream in dreams
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 4 © fergregory / depositphotos
Feeling: Sometimes you are dreaming and waking up, but those strange things still happen and it turns out that waking up is just a dream. Many people believe that I have encountered such a situation since the science fiction movie " Inception " was released and great success.
Why does that happen: Those who believe in spirituality believe that if you have such a dream, you can possess spiritual power. However, science still has no official explanation about this dream.
Sleep walking
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 5 © belchonok / depositphotos
Feelings: This state is in contrast to the pressure - the consciousness is sleeping, and the mental connection between the brain and the body parts is cleared. That is, during sleep, they can completely walk, sweep the house or operate without knowing it. This is often very dangerous. Sleepwalking is a sleepless dream that can't control its actions, so no one remembers anything about a 'night trip' after waking up.
Why does that happen: Often, sleepwalking is considered harmless. But sometimes they are extremely dangerous because sleepwalkers can hurt themselves unconsciously.
Somnambulism occurs in about 4.6-10.3% of the world population, children are often more affected. The cause, as well as the treatment, has not been found yet.
"Head exploding" syndrome
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 6 © Flydragonfly / depositphotos © peakpx
Feelings: There are many ancient diseases in the world that many of us have never heard of. One of them is "Exploding Head Syndrome" ( EHS ) syndrome. This is the syndrome of sleep disorder and hallucinations that about 20% of people in the world are suffering from. Most of them will hear loud explosions when they fall asleep. However, this explosion is not true, it only happens in their heads.
Why does that happen: Symptoms of " head-to-blast " syndrome are often associated with the over-shadowing phenomenon that many of us often encounter. Long-term " explosive head " syndrome can lead to insomnia, tachycardia, palpitations, panic disorder and depression.
The best way to get rid of this syndrome is to see a doctor. In addition, you must actively deal with sleep deprivation if you have one, walk, read or practice yoga to relax and reduce stress. Most importantly, do not drink alcoholic beverages.
See also: Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep
"Sleep apnea" syndrome
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 7 © innovatedcaptures / depositphotos © Habib M'henni / wikimedia
Sensation: Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by apnea in the night when sleeping. The phenomenon of apnea only occurs at times but can lead to hypoxia and increased carbon dioxide in the blood. It causes sympathomimetic activation, vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, leading to hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmia, . may even lead to death. The risk of cardiovascular disease and death is increasing when the number of times to stop breathing many times in an hour.
Why does that happen: There are some potential risks that can cause sleep apnea such as smoking, nasal congestion, diabetes, alcohol, sedatives .
The best way to avoid the dangers from sleep apnea, you should establish yourself a healthy lifestyle, eat well enough, exercise regularly . Especially, go to the clinic and get treatment right away. avoid serious consequences affecting health and life.
Dream repeat
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 8 © Khakimullin / depositphotos
Feeling: Probably not many of us have strange repetitive dreams, often recreating the same plot, right?
Why does that happen: Psychologists believe that our brains have recurring dreams that show what we don't achieve in our daily lives. These dreams will be repeated until the situation is resolved.
Feeling of free fall
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 9 © Christin_Lola / depositphotos © georgeburba / depositphotos
Feelings: Sometimes we feel like we're thrown from a certain height to the bed and feel scared when we wake up. Or sometimes we dream of flying but stumble and fall " painfully ". It's annoying, isn't it?
Why does that happen: When sleeping, the heart rate and breathing rate are slower, the muscles are relaxed, the brain is considered " dead ". The above symptoms to check if the person is alive, wake up the muscles, wake up.
The phenomenon of "emitting soul when sleeping"
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 10 © Wavebreakmedia / depositphotos
Feelings: The phenomenon of ejaculation often occurs at rest, before sleeping or meditating. It happened in a short time, beginning with the feeling of entering a dark tunnel with bright light at the end, like a state of near-death. Someone saw the " soul " export and then entered the body again. For spiritualists, this affirms the existence of the soul.
Why does that happen: This phenomenon is very difficult to explain. While scientists still know that hallucinations escape from the body still exist, it is unclear how it works and why it appears. Also it is unclear how to deal with this.
Suddenly "enlightened" while sleeping
11 mysteries happen in the body when we sleep Picture 11 © Генрих фон Ангели / wikipedia © Иван Николаевич Крамской / wikipedia © Sheila Joseph / flickr © Moebius1 / wikimedia
Feelings: Sometimes, we can't find a good solution to a problem for a long time, so we always think about it. Then, in the dream, our brain continues to remember that problem.
Dmitri Mendeleev , a Russian chemist, was obsessed with creating a periodic table of elements - and then he saw it in a dream.The same thing happened to chemistAugust Kekulé when he wanted to find out the chemical formula of benzene.
Why does that happen: This happens because sometimes our subconscious knows the answer, but is not really aware. During sleep, the subconscious works more positively and can provide more insight.
See also: How to sleep in less than 1 minute?
Having fun!
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