Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep!

Women use the brain more than men, leading to the need for them to need a longer sleep!

Scientists have shown that women work more brains than men so they need more sleep. It is a scientific fact.

Research can prove that women have more complex brain activity than men. A new study from Loughborough University in England reveals: " Women use the brain more than men, leading to the need for them to need a longer sleep."

Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep! Picture 1Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep! Picture 1

According to sleep expert and researcher - John Horne said:

" One of the main functions of sleep is to allow the brain to repair itself and repair. If your brain is used more and more, you need more time to recover. Therefore, what you need is a longer sleep ".

Research shows that women need about 20 minutes more sleep than men every night. That means, if a man who works requires a lot of mental activity, he also needs a longer sleep than normal men, but still not as much as a woman. OK.

Women need more sleep than men because their brains have a different "wired network".

Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep! Picture 2Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep! Picture 2

So what's the difference here?

In a 2014 study, 949 participants tested and the results showed that the male brain had more connections in each hemisphere . Meanwhile, women's brains have more connections between the two hemispheres of the brain .

This shows that men can focus deeply on one job at a time, while women tend to perform many functions at the same time. This is the reason why men have " deep vision " in their work and women have the ability to " multitask ", meaning they can both pick up vegetables, talk on the phone and watch television. "Multitasking" uses a lot of effort from the brain, which is why women need more sleep than men.

According to Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos - director of the Minneapolis Veterans Center for Brain Science, Brain Science Affair:

" Women's brains are different from men 's brains. What we find in women's brains is that they process information in many tasks five times faster than men, and use them. less brain to perform the same task of cognitive awareness ".

Meanwhile, this seems like good news, the speed and efficiency of women's brains often come with a "cost". Scientists say that the brains of women are more vulnerable than men 's brains and, if damaged, the male brain can recover and improve faster - making the process of self-healing and repair (sleeping) daily is very important.

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