Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep

Surely all of us are curious as to how the body will work while sleeping. Let's discover 9 interesting activities of the body that happen while falling asleep!

Surely all of us are curious as to how the body will work while sleeping. On the Bright Side page, I have a good understanding of this interesting topic, here are 9 mysterious activities that happen to the body when we are in the protective arms of the dream messengers Morpheus. Let your conscious mind " take a break " for a few hours after a hard day's work!

  1. 5 things you may not know about sleep

1. The muscles are paralyzed

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 1Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 1 © hongkait

When we enter REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) of sleep, that is when the body sleeps the deepest in all 4 stages, the muscles of the limbs are completely paralyzed and temporarily Time can not move. The " sleep disorder " symptom is a state of paralysis that lasts for a few seconds or minutes after waking up. People with narcolepsy ( Narcolepsy is a rare brain disorder - the brain cannot regulate sleep and wake up as usual, causing the patient to suddenly fall asleep without warning or paralysis transient, uncontrolled muscles ) is the person who suffers from a terrible feeling of paralysis when they open their eyes after waking up.

2. Eyes move continuously

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 2Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 2 © Flikr

The whole stage in sleep is just a major purpose of keeping the body healthy and helping your brain relax and relax after a hard working time. Sleep consists of 5 stages, each stage of sleep will be deeper and so through 5 stages, the cycle will repeat. The final REM stage is the deepest sleep phase, taking about 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep. At this stage, your eyes will flip through the island very quickly without being aware of yourself because your brain is focusing on dreams now.

3. Growth hormone is released

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HGH growth hormone , known as additional human growth hormone, is responsible for regenerating bone, muscle and tissue. When sleeping, the production of this hormone stimulates the entire body to help heal wounds and regenerate cells. Besides, when we are young, this hormone also promotes growth and has many other effects on our bodies. It is also for that reason that people often say that we will get taller when we sleep.

4. The throat is narrowed

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 4Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 4 © b © yrdie

During sleep, the muscles responsible for keeping the throat open at awake also rest, resulting in a narrowing of the throat size. The small throat size is also one of the causes of snoring . Despite the fact that there are other causes, such as stuffy nose, but narrowing the throat is the main reason why we make annoying noises during sleep.

5. Grind teeth when sleeping

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 5Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 5 © AliCPhotography

This mysterious phenomenon is the habit of grinding teeth at sleep . Not everyone has this habit, but most people who suffer from severe jaw pain at the time of waking are usually caused by grinding teeth at night. The habit of grinding teeth at sleep may stem from the morphology of incomplete teeth, but it may also be a psychological phenomenon - how to relieve stress emotions and build up pressure all day. However, research scientists have yet to find out why some people never clench their teeth during sleep, while others often wake up with a painful toothache.

6. Self-stimulating sex

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Both men and women experience a sense of sexual arousal during sleep. This is due to the strong brain activity during the REM stage of sleep, meaning that the brain in the body needs to provide an extra amount of oxygen and thus blood will flow faster. Faster blood flow will also affect every organ in the body, including the most " sensitive " organs, leading to sex hormones being activated.

7. The brain releases information that accumulates and creates dreams

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 7Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 7 © Ryanjames

How dreams are formed during sleep is still the mystery of science. Today, we know that the brain often weaves dreams from the current memories in everyday life, as well as from the deepest subconscious of each of us. Therefore, current experiences combine with the information we have stored for a long time such as memories, injuries, emotions and emotions to create mysterious dreams and sometimes are somewhat physical.

However, until now people still cannot explain why the mind only goes to a certain place, why choose the right memories, colors, sounds, scenes and people into the dream our. Although the current science and technology have made great progress, dreams while sleeping are still a big unknown yet to be deciphered.

8. Heard sudden explosions

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 8Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 8 © mymodernmet

Exploding head syndrome is a common phenomenon when people wake up or go to sleep. This syndrome makes the person who has the first feeling feel "booming" by sudden loud noises. Without any cause from the outside, it is not painful, but the noise can cause fear, confusion and anxiety for the patient because they cannot explain themselves because Why do I have these symptoms? It is a rare phenomenon, but there are still people with this syndrome.

People with " explosive head " syndrome will hear a loud bang that wakes them up, and perhaps they will endure rising fear and stress. However, there are actually no explosions in the real world! People who experience this syndrome feel their heads explode and think they have heard a very loud sound like a gun shot. This phenomenon does not cause any physical damage, but it may leave a negative psychological residue.

9. The brain is detoxified and restored

Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 9Discover 9 mysteries that happen in the body when falling asleep Picture 9 © theinspirationgrid

Researchers at the University of Rochester have found that the brain in the body will get rid of the waste that accumulates throughout the day when you fall asleep. When sleeping, the brain's system of cleaning the central nervous system ( glymphatic system ) is activated. The operation of this mechanism helps the brain eliminate unnecessary information and accumulate useful information and restore their links.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Why do we often feel thirsty before going to sleep?
  2. Scientifically proven: Siesta helps you be happier and smarter
  3. How to sleep in less than 1 minute?

Having fun!

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