The secret to getting things done when you're not interested in yourself

Here is the secret to getting the job done when you're not interested in yourself. Invite you to consult!
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Are you feeling the work seems to be piling up around you? Whether you are flooded with chores or more and more persistent jobs need to be completed at the office, you will probably feel overwhelmed and disappointed at that time. We used to be like that and most of us feel awkward when completing these hard work.

The secret to getting things done when you're not interested in yourself Picture 1The secret to getting things done when you're not interested in yourself Picture 1

Sometimes when we want to participate in an adventure or solve an interesting project, you must first take the time to complete the tasks that you are not interested in. Your productivity and joy will be affected in a negative direction if you don't ' wipe out ' the errands off the road. Most of these tasks take no more than a few minutes to complete, but they can accumulate into a mountain of work if you don't mind. Can't let that happen?

Here is the secret to getting the job done when you're not interested in yourself. Invite you to consult!

1. Every interesting job has several tedious tasks and it is inevitable

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No matter how you feel at work, you still have to complete it. As long as you have a negative thought about the assigned task, you will fail immediately. Instead of despising those errands, you should show respect. Even the most interesting work comes with a bunch of tedious administrative tasks.

Although you know that you have come across a lot of cumbersome administrative procedures, fill out all the forms and reply to the whole email just to get the job you enjoy. But imagine how much more productive, better and fun you will work if you continue your work.

2. Plan your strategy wisely

Balancing daily work

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Use Pomodoro method to optimize your working time without making yourself feel tired. Let's start by creating a list of things to do and grouping related tasks together. After that, do the work or the clusters for about 25 minutes fixed, take a 5-minute break and continue the work in that manner. After completing about 4 times like that, take 20 minutes to rest. This way, you have 75% of the time for work and 25% of the time to rest.

Turn some work into automation

Transferring an entire email to a single address can help you avoid having to open many different email services. Most of these services give us the option to set up filters to help sort messages.

If you often create a repetitive letter or document, it's better to create a certain pattern. Of course, you can still customize it accordingly, but it is easier to customize the details than having to rewrite the message or text from the beginning of each day. Automated processes such as paying bills and filling out forms are meaningful when you don't need to spend lunch break to complete those tedious tasks.

Let chores become a part of your schedule

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Arrange time to complete it the way you schedule your appointments. Combining rules like " One Touch Rule " to save time. This rule requires that you pay attention to the directories that need to be reviewed immediately to be processed in a single time. Instead of throwing spam into a pile on the table, you should throw them in the trash immediately.

Do things that take a lot of effort first

Complete the hard work first in the morning. These are the things that require the most creativity, or the ones you hate the most. You will be less likely to experience tired decisions at the beginning of the day and your self-control will be higher. You won't want to spend the whole day completing your work as a fear and then being completely exhausted when completing them.

Complete each work group

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When you approach similar and related tasks at the same time, you can complete it more quickly. Set up part of your time for specific jobs like listening to phone calls or completing requests. Set up a time section to check emails and unnecessary hidden notifications. Spending time on multi-tasking jobs is often ineffective by focusing on completing each task.

See also: 5 effective time management skills and work organization

Turn your work into a game and reward yourself

Think about things that make you happy and try to link your work to those things. If it's a holiday you wish, agree to spend a few dollars a day to create a travel fund when you complete the items in the file to and from. You are not the only one who benefits from thinking about vacation, but also completing your work as a game.

Ask for help when needed

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Depending on your position, you will have more help with these tasks. It is often less time consuming to entice experienced helpers to force yourself to learn it yourself and how to do it well. Even if you don't have the resources to hire an assistant, you can still get genuine feedback from your boss or colleague if your workload can't be controlled.

3. If you want to manage chores more easily, keep up with them

Edward Young once said: "Don't waste time".

Throwing away errands only makes your time spent completing them then messed up. If you do chores with a positive attitude and accomplish them effectively, you will have more time to enjoy your favorite things.

See also: Adapt to 7 daily habits that help balance life - work

Having fun!

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