The health benefits of monitoring temperature and humidity regularly
There are many stories rumored around how smart houses can benefit human health.While most of them are just marketing tricks, the actual test also shows that there are some features of smart home devices that can significantly improve your quality of life.One of them is smart temperature and humidity monitoring devices.In this article we will find out how air temperature and humidity affect your health and quality of life.
Improve the quality of sleep at night
You may not notice but the humidity and temperature in the bedroom are two of the factors that have a great impact on the quality of sleep.Take a simple example, but the summer night is sultry all night and day, if you don't turn on the air, it's hard to sink into sleep, not to say sleep!
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But as we all know, insomnia is not a problem only in hot sunshine.In 2008, NPR announced that about 60 million Americans are affected by insomnia every year.So far this number may have increased a lot.Why is that?A recent study has shown that insomnia is closely related to the temperature around you.Most people think that a little colder is better, it's easier to sleep, but too hot or too cold can negatively affect the quality of your sleep:
When you go to sleep, the brain will recognize how well the temperature is suitable for sleep, which is the temperature your body feels really comfortable with.If the ambient temperature is too cold or too hot, the brain will assign the body to do the necessary tasks to achieve the right temperature.Therefore, if the room becomes too hot or too cold, you will feel uncomfortable, leading to the phenomenon of restlessness, difficulty going to sleep and not sleeping deeply.Moreover, the comfort level of your bedroom temperature also particularly affects the quality of REM eye movement.REM is the stage when your body actually sleeps the deepest.
So what is the ideal heat level for a quality sleep?It is in the range of 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit, ie in the range of 20 to 22 degrees C.
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Fortunately, there are many smart home devices that can automatically set the temperature in your home to the most comfortable level while you sleep, without wasting energy unnecessarily. .
- 15 "truths" are completely wrong about sleep (part 1)
Prevent the growth and spread of mold and bacteria
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According to the report of Central Florida University, there are four important requirements in the growth and spread of mold, which are:
- The presence of mold spores.Mold spores are extremely small, cannot be seen with the naked eye, and in fact, they actually appear everywhere, from the air to the surfaces.That being said, there really is no way for us to get rid of them, and in fact, we have been living with them up until now, so don't worry about this.
- Food for mold spores.Most mold spores can live on any organic compound, but you will see more mold appear in areas with wood, paper and other organic fibers.Be careful to keep these areas clean to prevent the growth of molds.
- Warm temperatures: Mold tends to thrive where temperatures are comfortable for people, so unless you're willing to accept discomfort, temperature control is not an optimal way to prevent mold.
- High humidity.Most mold spores need a lot of water to grow, equivalent to 70% or more moisture, and that's why frequent mold phenomena are common in other areas like in bathroom and in places where water leaks.
Bacteria also need water to be able to thrive and when provided with an abundant water source, they will begin to grow exponentially at a relative humidity of 50% or more.Mold is the cause of irritation and allergies for certain parts of the body (such as the eyes) and can cause serious breathing problems.Meanwhile, bacteria can lead to more serious diseases (eg Legionnaires disease).
By controlling moisture well in your home, you can minimize the proliferation and spread of mold and bacteria, thereby improving your health and quality of life.
Reduce physical discomfort
Humidity and humidity outside the optimal level for humans can cause unpleasant phenomena directly to the body.Taking a simple example, on the hot, sunny days of the summer, most of us feel exhausted after going home from work.In the fall, when temperatures are cooler and more pleasant, fatigue will also decrease significantly.But did you know that humidity also plays a huge role in our daily comfort at home?Indeed, moisture, in other words, the amount of moisture in the air, can have a stronger effect on the body than you might think.
When the air is too dry or the humidity in the air drops too low, you may feel dry eye irritation, sinusitis and respiratory tract due to the dryness of the lining, as well as the appearance of cracks in the skin. Chapped or irritated due to lack of moisture (itching when it is cold).
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As we all know, low humidity is a big problem in the winter but it can also be a common phenomenon if you live in a very dry area.So what is the ideal relative humidity for your home?That is from 30 to 50%.Lower than this will lead to the phenomena mentioned above, and higher will promote the growth and spread of mold and bacteria.
Increase productivity and labor, improve work efficiency
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The ultimate benefit of carefully monitoring and controlling the temperature and humidity in your space is related to mental health.An environment with optimal temperature and humidity levels can have a very positive effect on your mental state, leading to more positive thoughts and more effective action.It's hard to do a good job when your hands are cold or like it's hard to concentrate to work when you're sweating right!So, what is the ideal temperature for optimal productivity?
If you still think that the cool room temperature a little bit, falling between 20 and 22 degrees Celsius will make you productive, you are really wrong!20 to 22 degrees Celsius is the optimal temperature for a good quality of sleep, but it is not entirely optimal when it comes to quality of work and concentration.In fact, according to a 2004 Cornell University study, the warmer's room temperature will be more effective.
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Within a month, the scientists collected the following data.When the temperature in the working room increased from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius, typing error would decrease by about 44% and typing productivity increased by 150%.
At 25 degrees Celsius, the typing speed is 100% with a 10% error rate, but at 20 degrees C, the typing speed will drop to 54% with a 25% error rate.Thereby it can be seen that temperature has a great effect on work efficiency.Especially office work and requires high concentration!
A smart home, a healthy family
Many people wonder about the huge investment costs for a smart home, but remember that if you know how to choose, you can fully invest in an optimal system with an investment level. quite pleasant.You will be surprised by the affordable price you have to spend on a smart home!However expensive or cheap, new health is the most important factor, with health we will make everything.Wish you have a healthy body!
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