Technological limitations that have existed for 20 years have not been resolved

Blue screen of death, lost connection, battery drain... are technology problems that have been familiar to mobile device users for the past 20 years, but up to now have not been fixed by the developer.

Battery life

Battery technology has hardly improved significantly in the past few decades, while smartphones and other electronic devices are constantly evolving.

In the early days, batteries on phones and laptops were not a big problem, lasting up to a week. But as technology develops, devices get thinner, screens get larger, and many integrated features require more power, but battery technology cannot keep up with the pace of development of the entire industry.

Technological limitations that have existed for 20 years have not been resolved Picture 1Technological limitations that have existed for 20 years have not been resolved Picture 1

Users have to charge it every day and after a few years of use the battery often wears out. Mobile manufacturers are currently only optimizing performance to extend battery life, but the technology that helps the battery last a week is still behind the laboratory door.

The battery capacity on the iPhone 14 Pro Max is only 92% after 10 months of use. Photo: Ngoc Trung

Internet connections rely heavily on fragile undersea fiber optic cables

Internet has been covered everywhere, from wifi to high-speed 5G, but Internet connection is still heavily dependent on fragile fiber optic cables on the seabed. Undersea cables are responsible for transmitting more than 90% of Internet traffic.

According to TeleGeography statistics, on average there are more than 100 submarine cable breaks each year, meaning about every three days there is a cable break somewhere in the world. But the process of repairing underground cables is still extremely difficult even though technology has advanced.

In addition, there are still many remote areas that are "low-lying areas" of the Internet because it is too expensive to pull cables there.

Same call but can't connect

The fact that two people call each other at the same time and both parties say the phone is busy is the default. However, according to experts, this is a big gap and network operators have not yet found a suitable solution for this old problem.

Device overheating

More and more features and technologies are crammed into a narrow design from smartphones, tablets to high-end PC models, making heat overload quite common.

"Blue Screen of Death"

Technological limitations that have existed for 20 years have not been resolved Picture 2Technological limitations that have existed for 20 years have not been resolved Picture 2

The "blue screen of death" error that appears every time the device has hardware and memory errors is very familiar to users. In Windows 10, this condition was renamed "black screen of death" (Black Screen of Death - BSOD), only the background color is different but has not been resolved. In the Windows 11 generation, Microsoft changed it to green to look different.

Difficult to repair

The more technology develops, the shorter the lifespan of modern equipment and the more difficult it is to repair. This paradox is because more advanced processors make repairs more complicated, and at the same time manufacturers are making device repair prices too high, making users think about buying a new one rather than having it repaired. damaged hardware.

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