SXD247 - The quick search application of HCMC real estate information helps people avoid buying the wrong real estate stickers

Recently, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Construction has officially launched SXD247, a quick search application for HCMC real estate information that allows people to look up information on real estate projects and their status. records ... and how to carry out administrative procedures.

Recently, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Construction has officially launched SXD247, a quick search application for HCMC real estate information that allows people to look up information on real estate projects and their status. records . and how to carry out administrative procedures. This application is the result of a cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City Department of Construction and FPT Information System (FPT IS).

SXD247 fully and continuously updates official data on current projects managed by HCMC Department of Construction. SXD247 provides information including the investor, investment scale, area, project schedule, legal status and actual images of the project.

Currently, users can download SXD247 software on the Appstore or CHPlay to the phone by following the link below.

  1. SXD247 for Android
  2. SXD247 for iOS

9 out of 13 features of the application have been completed, allowing residents to look up information on commercial housing projects, planning information, check project construction permits, status of settlement of projects. dossiers, refer to administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of the Department of Construction, construction architects, engineers' experience.

SXD247 - The quick search application of HCMC real estate information helps people avoid buying the wrong real estate stickers Picture 4SXD247 - The quick search application of HCMC real estate information helps people avoid buying the wrong real estate stickers Picture 4
Interface feature solicitation of people assessment of public service quality of SXD247.

In particular, people can give feedback on service quality and send feedback information with images of construction incidents, lighting, flooding, construction order . State officials right on this app.

The application will be adding some other new features in the coming period.

  1. From the afternoon of 9/12, people can sit at home to change their driver's license, health insurance, birth registration
  2. The first drug database in Vietnam, helping people look up information and prices of more than 10,000 medicines
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