Successfully install Windows PE on Xiaomi Mi 4

The Xiaomi Mi 4 is fully capable of installing Windows PE.

On the Twitter page, an account is named "Roman Linev?" posted a video showing that he has successfully installed Windows PE for the Xiaomi Mi 4.

After installation, it seems like the smartphone of "Roman Linev?" still has not been stable and still has some errors. But these are only minor errors and will soon be overcome. What we're interested in is that the Xiaomi Mi 4 is fully capable of installing Windows PE.

The PE Windows (Preinstalled Environment) is a shortened version of Windows, created for the purpose of deployment, to support troubleshooting from a previous backup, reinstall Windows from an available source. such as USB, external hard drive, local network .

Currently, in addition to appearing some errors, there is not much information about the performance and problems of the operating system on the Xiaomi Mi 4 phone installed Window PE.

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