Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring

In the following article, we will present the basic steps to set up WebDAV system with Apache2 on the Mandriva 2010.1 Spring server platform ...

QuanTriMang - In the following article, we will present the basic steps to set up WebDAV system with Apache2 on the Mandriva 2010.1 Spring server platform . The concept of WebDAV - Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning , is a combination of extended functions of the HTTP protocol, allowing users to edit data directly on the Apache server, so skip the download / upload step. via FTP.

Preliminary note:

In this test, we use the Mandriva 2010.1 Spring server operating system with the IP address

WebDAV installation:

First, we need to update the database for the installation packages as follows:

urpmi.update -a

Apache installation and Apache WebDAV module:

urpmi apache apache-mod_dav

Next, open the file / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf and remove the comment outside the three LoadModule lines (note that it should be deleted at the end because otherwise Apache will report an error: available in the apache- mod_dav package ):

en /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


LoadModule dav_module modules /


LoadModule dav_fs_module modules /

LoadModule dav_lock_module modules /


Restart Apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

Create Virtual Host:

Here, we will create the default Apache vhost file in the directory / var / www / web1 / web . And to do this, you need to add the default vhost information to the end of the file / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf . Let's start by creating the directory / var / www / web1 / web and set the monitoring permissions for the Apache user account and the group ( apache ) for that directory:

mkdir -p / var / www / web1 / web

chown apache: apache / var / www / web1 / web

Add vhost to the end of / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf :

en /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


NameVirtualHost *: 80


ServerAdmin webmaster @ localhost

DocumentRoot / var / www / web1 / web /


Options Indexes MultiViews

AllowOverride None

Order allow, deny

allow từ tất cả



Reload Apache with the following command:

/etc/init.d/httpd reload

Customize WebDAV Virtual Host:

Here, we will create a WebDAV password file /var/www/web1/passwd.dav with the test account (the parameter -c has a file creation function if it does not already exist):

htpasswd -c /var/www/web1/passwd.dav test

The system will ask you to enter a password for the test account (please note that the -c parameter should not be used if the file / var / www / web1 / passwd.dav is available, otherwise you will lose all account stored in that file). Next, change the permissions of the file / var / www / web1 / passwd.dav so that only the root account and members of the apache group can access:

chown root: apache /var/www/web1/passwd.dav

chmod 640 /var/www/web1/passwd.dav

Next step, edit the vhost information at the end of the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following lines:

en /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf


Alias ​​/ webdav / var / www / web1 / web



AuthType Basic

AuthName "webdav"

AuthUserFile /var/www/web1/passwd.dav

Require hợp lệ-user



After editing, the final vhost file will look like this:


NameVirtualHost *: 80


ServerAdmin webmaster @ localhost

DocumentRoot / var / www / web1 / web /


Options Indexes MultiViews

AllowOverride None

Order allow, deny

allow từ tất cả


Alias ​​/ webdav / var / www / web1 / web



AuthType Basic

AuthName "webdav"

AuthUserFile /var/www/web1/passwd.dav

Require hợp lệ-user



And reload Apache:

/etc/init.d/httpd reload

Check WebDAV:

The next step is to install the cadaver - WebDAV's command-line client application:

urpmi cadaver

To check whether WebDAV is working, type the following command:

cadaver http:/// localhost / webdav /

The system will require the account name, fill in the test and the corresponding password. If there is no problem, the account will be assigned permissions, which means that WebDAV is fully stable. Type quit to exit WebDAV shell:

[root @ server1 administrator] # cadaver http:/// localhost / webdav /

Authentication required for webdav on server `localhost ':

Username: test


dav: / webdav /> quit

Kết nối đến `localhost 'closed.

[root @ server1 administrator] #

Configure Windows XP Client to connect to WebDAV shared items:

On a Windows XP-based computer, select My Network Places on the desktop and Add a Network Place from the Network Tasks menu (in the left pane):

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 1Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 1

The Windows XP computer here has a German interface so the display language is somewhat different

The Add Network Place Wizard control panel appears, click Next :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 2Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 2

Select Choose another network location and Next :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 3Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 3

Fill in the information in the Location section and click Next :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 4Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 4

Log in with the test account and the password you just created in the previous step:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 5Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 5

Continue to enter the name of the WebDAV folder:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 6Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 6

To open a new connection, leave the selection in the Open this network place box when I click Finish and click Finish :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 7Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 7

The WebDAV folder will be opened later, the user can access and use the shared resources in / var / www / web1 / web , and will see the WebDAV sharing icon in My Network Places:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 8Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 8

Configure Linux Client (GNOME) to connect to WebDAV shared resources:

If you want to create a connection from WebDAV to GNOME desktop system, select Places> Connect to Server .:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 9Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 9

In the Service type section, select WebDAV (HTTP) and fill in the Server box (here is ) and Folder (here is webdav ), not fill in the User Name box , then click Connect :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 10Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 10

Next, the system will ask for the account information, you fill in the test and password, then click Next :

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 11Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 11

In some cases, you will receive the following error message:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 12Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 12

But the WebDAV shared folder still appears on the desktop, you can ignore the above error message:

Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 13Set up WebDAV with Apache2 on Mandriva 2010.1 Spring Picture 13

Once you have completed the above steps without any problems or errors, you have successfully set up WebDAV system with Apache2 on the Mandriva 2010.1 Spring server operating system. Good luck!

Some references: WebDAV, Apache and Mandriva.

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