Scientists confirm: People can go through, travel time

Recently, mathematicians from the University of British Columbia and the University of Maryland (Canada) have stated that theoretically time travel is possible.

Most of us think that time travel - or "Trans-air" is unimaginable and that is just the product of the imagination of filmmakers and fiction writers.

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But recently mathematicians from the University of British Columbia and the University of Maryland (Canada) have stated that theoretically time travel is possible . The condition is that a machine has enough pressure to make spacetime changes, making it lose its continuity and even reverse.

Scientists confirm: People can go through, travel time Picture 1Scientists confirm: People can go through, travel time Picture 1
As long as there is a large enough force to bend the space - time, one can go back to the past or go to the future.

From that theory, scientists came up with the idea of ​​creating a mathematical model to build a time machine for one person, which could help him or her move to the future or back to the past.

According to them, this time machine must be able to distort or bend - the time to connect physical space to something abstract is our time.

Scientists confirm: People can go through, travel time Picture 2Scientists confirm: People can go through, travel time Picture 2

In the past, scientists have found evidence that objects that produce tremendous gravitational pull can slow time, and black holes are a concrete example.

Based on that, scientists want to create a powerful force that causes space-time to bend, forming "a circle around the object" and, in theory, if an object can move faster than transport speed of light, that thing is going to the past.

Of course, all is just theory, people still cannot really create a time machine because they have not found material that can bend space-time to an utopian level. Having a space machine for time travel is still a thing of the future, probably quite a bit later.

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