The mysterious island of a strange shape suddenly appears in Bermuda's 'Devil Triangle'

A new mysterious small island formed in the Bermuda Triangle Triangle makes scientists crazy. But, local authorities recommend that everyone should stay away from this mysterious island.

A new mysterious little island formed in Bermuda's "Devil Triangle" makes scientists crazy. But, local authorities recommend that everyone should stay away from this mysterious island.

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The mysterious island of a strange shape suddenly appears in Bermuda's 'Devil Triangle' Picture 1The mysterious island of a strange shape suddenly appears in Bermuda's 'Devil Triangle' Picture 1
New mysterious island emerged in Bermuda "Devil Triangle".(Photo: chadonka / Instagram.)

Starting in April, the island gradually emerged from the bottom of the sea like a miracle. Locals call it Shelly Island (Shell Island) because there are countless shells here.

The appearance of this mysterious island attracted the attention of many people. However, local authorities recommend that people should not come here because of the danger from the strong tidal currents here and the frequent occurrence of sharks and stingrays. In addition, the distance from the sandy beach to the mainland is short (50m) so it is quite dangerous.

The island lies outside Cape Point Cape (Buxon, North Carolina) and is about 1.6 km long and 122 m wide, consisting of narrow strips of land with sharp crescent-shaped shapes seen from above. This makes it look more intimidating and mysterious.

The mysterious island of a strange shape suddenly appears in Bermuda's 'Devil Triangle' Picture 2The mysterious island of a strange shape suddenly appears in Bermuda's 'Devil Triangle' Picture 2 The strange shape of the island.(Internet photo.)

Bermuda's Triangle is a famous sea area with many mysterious geological phenomena that puzzle scientists. Therefore, the appearance of this island attracted the attention of many scientists.

According to experts, it is very likely that this island is made up of sand and sea currents. But this is not the final form of it, the island may be growing longer to connect with the Point Point in the next year or it may disappear as quickly as it formed.

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