Risk of ransomware infection when downloading crack software online

Researchers from cybersecurity firm Sophos have discovered another malicious code distribution network hiding in the shadow of cracked software. Because of wanting to use software without paying royalties, many people have become victims of cybercrime.

According to Sophos, the malicious code that cybercriminals try to spread includes click fraud bots, data-stealing software and even ransomware.

Cybercriminals design fake websites using WordPress. On it posted fake crack software to attract victims. Victims will be directed to these sites through search engines. With SEO tricks, cybercriminals always put fake pages on top of search results.

When the download button is pressed, the file the victim receives is not the software they need. Instead, it is a malicious installer and when executed it installs malicious code on the victim's machine.

In addition, mouse clicks on fake sites also lead victims to other pages containing other plugins and malware such as Raccoon Stealer, Stop ransomware, Glubteba backdoor and many virtual currency miners masquerading as software. remove other viruses.

Risk of ransomware infection when downloading crack software online Picture 1Risk of ransomware infection when downloading crack software online Picture 1

Not only operating in a single form, now cybercriminals also create lines to increase efficiency. Instead of distributing malicious code themselves, some criminal groups have turned to pre-built systems that are sold or rented to other hackers. Thanks to this, even novice hackers can immediately create their own attack campaigns.

In addition, hackers also have another method that is to build a malware distribution system but not deploy it themselves. Instead, they hire other hackers or web publishers to provide traffic to their malicious distribution system. InstallUSD is one such system.

With that said, distributing malware via fake crack software is not a new attack method. However, it is still highly effective because users' demand for crack software has not decreased.

Please stop using crack software if you want to ensure your safety!

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