Change the default formatting in Word
Word allows you to easily change the default font and margin for new documents by clicking the Default . button in the Format dialog box | Font and Format | Document . However, with a little attention, you can change Word's defaults so that all new documents have page numbers in the footer. Open a blank document, change any of the formatting features you want, and then save the document as a Word Macro-Enabled Template (.dotm) file named NormalNew.dotm. Word will save this file by default in your username folder, in the Support Library, SupportMicrosoftOfficeUser Templates. Close Word, then in Finder, change the name of the existing Normal.dotm file to NormalOld.dotm, and change the NormalNew.dotm file to Normal.dotm.
Change the default formatting in Excel
Office 2008 for Mac: 8 things you didn't know Picture 1
You may want to have the template containing Excel's default format saved in the same folder as the template folder that stores Word's default format (see above). However that is not possible! To change the default formatting for Excel spreadsheets, create a new worksheet, apply any formatting you like, then select File | Save As . ; Enter the file name Worksheet; choose the format Excel Template (.xlst); cancel the check box next to Append file extension ; navigate to ApplicationsMicrosoft Office 2008OfficeStartupExcel folder; and save this file there. Exit and relaunch Excel - this step is absolutely necessary. It's not done yet because you need to create a separate one-sheet worksheet of the same format so that Excel will use the format you selected when you add a new page to the already open spreadsheet. You will then start a new worksheet with the format that you applied to the default worksheet and save it in the same folder as before, where you did not add the file extension as before but replace the Sheet. with Worksheet. Then exit and restart Excel again.
Run Word and open the most recently used file
Office 2008 for Mac: 8 things you didn't know Picture 2
Office for Windows makes it easy to create a desktop shortcut to launch Word and automatically open the most recent file. (hint for Windows users: Create a shortcut to Winword.exe and add the command line parameter / mFile1). With Office for Mac, this problem is a bit more difficult. However, we will show you how to do this. Open Script Editor and create an AppleScript like the following (everything from 'if "to" recent file 1 "is a separate line, you can't break the structure as shown here):
tell application "Microsoft Word"
IF (số đếm các tập tin gần đây) lớn hơn hoặc bằng 1 thì tập tin open recent file 1
end tell
Save this text to your desktop as an application called Word Most Recent. Double-click it to launch Word and open the file you are editing when you last closed Word.
Add the Solver Add-ins to Excel
Windows Excel users — like users of older versions of Excel for Mac — can install the Solver add-ins of the Frontline system, the add-ins make it easier for you to optimize your children. number in the worksheet to achieve a desired result. (An example here is to indicate price items along with product prices to maximize sales benefits). But in contrast, Office 2007 users for Windows need to enable add-ins from Excel options. If you want to use Solver in Excel 2008, you need to download a new version written for the Windows version from the company. Go to and download new, AppleScript-based Solver, which is compatible with previously created models, VBA versions.
Make Word load faster
If Word seems to load too slowly, go to the Word menu, Preferences ., then the General tab, delete the check box in the box near WYSIWYG font and style menus. Unless you use Project Gallery, remove the traces in the checkbox next to Show Project Gallery at startup.
Use Word's secret shortcuts
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Keyboard shortcuts not only save time, but also help you to avoid a lot of wrist manipulation, and there are many friends who prefer using the keyboard rather than using the mouse. Word menus and help files list a lot of keyboard shortcuts, but many are not documented. If that is the case, then the function or use you will probably want to use from the keyboard, search the Web for a list of keyboard shortcuts in Word in Windows, because many shortcuts for Win Word also works in MacWord — the difference is that you must press the Cmd (Apple) key on the Mac instead of the Ctrl key in Windows and the Option key instead of the Alt key in Windows. In WinWord, you can separate a window into two panels by pressing Ctrl-Alt-S ; You can do the same thing in MacWord by pressing Cmd-Option-S . Similarly, in Word's spelling check box, in Windows press Ctrl-G to "Ignore all" and in Mac, press Cmd-G .
There is only one fully documented document for Word's shortcuts, which is the ListCommands function, which creates a complete list for each existing command in Word. You can add the ListCommands button to any menu using View | Customize Toolbars and Menus .; then from the All Commands list, drag ListCommands into the minimized version of the menu that appears below the current menu (hover over the menu until it appears and select the correct setting for the command); When you click OK , the ListCommands item will appear on the current menu.
Select any square area in Word
Office 2008 for Mac: 8 things you didn't know Picture 4
Have you ever been in the case of receiving an email with lots of symbols> on the margin, indicating the text in front, and you want to use text in Word, but don't want these> marks. Hold down the Option key and select a narrow rectangle that contains the symbols you want to remove, then you can cut the selected part or you can adjust the selected text.
Edit charts showing incomplete in Excel
This is a trick that very few people really know. The official Office for Mac only requires 256MB of RAM, but if your Mac has 1GB or less, you may have problems with Excel charts in displaying some missing lines. When this happens, Excel will not display an error message, and there does not seem to be a clue about what happened, but the chart shows up with some parts in some lines and lacks a chart. If you open the same spreadsheet and the same chart on a machine with insufficient RAM, then you will see the correct version of the chart. If this is the case, you need to upgrade the RAM for the system.