Prepare and access online to documents from a variety of devices to help users become more active for work - (Photo: Microsoft)
According to Microsoft, Office 365 Home Premium users can download and install the complete Office suite on 5 PCs or Macs, and add the right to install Office Apps to 5 mobile devices such as smartphones (smartphones) or phones. Tablet (in the supported list). Accordingly, new Office 365 will be more convenient for busy users.
Besides launching new products, a notable information from Microsoft is that Office 365 will be upgraded several times a year instead of three years as the traditional cycle. Office 365 Home Premium users, installed full software version on 5 devices like normal Office versions, and the right to upgrade to use the latest features and services.
In addition, when the registrant needs to change a device (such as replacing a personal computer or buying a new phone), it is possible to delete the Office subscription on the old device and download the installation on the device. new according to the allowed quantity. This is the difference with the normal Office suite - Capital is only installed on 1 computer and cannot transfer Office use if the user does not use this computer anymore.
Office 365 Home Premium incorporates the SkyDrive "cloud" storage service, so users can access and edit more flexibly through Office Web Apps anywhere, on a variety of devices including PC , Mac, smartphone or tablet with Internet connection.
Office 365 Home Premium includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access applications in 21 languages that will appear in 162 markets including Vietnam. Reference price is 1.7 million, used for 5 machines within a year. Microsoft includes a free 60 minutes per month of Internet calls from Skype to every corner of the world.
Google rivals also revamped the online office suite, Google Drive, which includes fast downloading of multiple photos / videos, support for Helvetica Neue fonts, cell formatting (Sheets) and display of animations in smoother slides, possibly zoom in / zoom out.
Microsoft Office 365 goes deep into the 'cloud' Picture 2
Google Drive is similar to Microsoft SkyDrive, integrating Docs, Slide . to help quickly edit the word "cloud" - (Photo: Internet)
Google has incorporated the online office application Google Docs into Drive, allowing for the editing, editing or fast sharing of documents, presentation files or online spreadsheets on a variety of devices, similar to Microsoft products. Office Web Apps.