Microsoft: Aero does not burn laptop batteries

Prior to the news in the press about the new Aero user interface system in Vista 'burning' laptop batteries (Microsoft laptops), Microsoft conducted research and came to a completely opposite conclusion.

Prior to the news in the press about the new Aero user interface system in Vista "burning" laptop batteries (Microsoft laptops), Microsoft conducted research and came to a completely opposite conclusion.

The world's No. 1 software firm claims that when the Aero interface is turned on, it consumes only about 1-4% more battery than when not turned on.

Microsoft: Aero does not burn laptop batteries Picture 1Microsoft: Aero does not burn laptop batteries Picture 1 Nick White, a product manager for Microsoft, said Vista was designed to automatically disable the transparent interface feature when users enable the power-saving feature.

" We believe that the Aero interface should not be turned off because it will not save much more energy. The most energy-consuming factor on laptops is the display. Parts This consumes about 15-25% of battery power, more than the processor ".

Hoang Dung

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