GAN (Global Area Network) price, marketcap, chart, and fundamentals info
A global network, such as the Internet, is called the GAN (Globe Area Network). However, the Internet is not the only computer network of this kind.
Companies operating internationally also support local area networks, including a number of WANs and corporate computers worldwide. GAN uses fiber-optic infrastructure from large area networks and combines these facilities with international sea cabling or satellite transmission lines.
GAN (Global Area Network) price, marketcap, chart, and fundamentals info
Global Area Network (GAN) network refers to a network consisting of many networks connected together covering an unlimited geographical area. This term is synonymous with the Internet and is considered a global network.
Unlike local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN), GANs cover a large geographical area. Because GAN is used to support mobile communication over some wireless LANs. The main challenge facing any GAN is transferring the user's communication from one local coverage area to the next.
GAN (Global Area Network) price, marketcap, chart, and fundamentals info Picture 1
What is Broadband GAN?
The most sought-after GAN type is Broadband GAN (broadband GAN - GAN). Broadband GAN is a global satellite Internet network using mobile terminals. The terminals connect laptops located in remote areas to the broadband Internet.
BGAN users often use PEP software or other package accelerators to increase performance. Many manufacturers release BGAN terminals. All terminals have similar capabilities.
The ISPs charge for BGAN service an average of $ 7.5 (170,000 VND) per megabyte. Voice calls for an average of $ 1 (23,000 VND) minutes and vary depending on the destination of the call such as landlines, mobile phones, and satellite phones.
Today BGAN is the fastest available global data link through a mobile terminal. It has good voice call quality and this can be easily set up by anyone. BGAN is designed for ease of use and simplicity. During setting up and using BGAN, no technical expert is required.
Users can track service usage and fees in real time, so they can easily manage costs. The same device can be used worldwide and the UI is the same across all terminals.
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