Internet company compensates 62.5 million USD because it cannot provide the connection speed as promised to users

The company, which provides charter communication networks in the United States, recently had to pay customers $ 62.5 million with a fine of more than $ 100 million because the transmission line was not committed.

The company, which provides charter communication networks in the United States, recently had to pay customers $ 62.5 million with a fine of more than $ 100 million because the transmission line was not committed. Accordingly, every month in New York will be returned at least 75 USD and a total of 7,000 customers are compensated.

Last year, the New York Attorney General's office sued Charter Communication to the New York Supreme Court for deliberately providing customers with a slower Internet speed than promised. In the lawsuit that included email between the company executives and the content, they knew that the company could not provide the connection speed as committed to the user.

Internet company compensates 62.5 million USD because it cannot provide the connection speed as promised to users Picture 1Internet company compensates 62.5 million USD because it cannot provide the connection speed as promised to users Picture 1
Due to slower network provision than advertising, Charter Communication must pay a record fine.(Photo: NYPost.)

Barbara Underwood, New York Attorney General, sent a message to the service providers here: "Make a promise, or pay the price."

Charter Communication paid US $ 174.2 million for this incident, of which US $ 62.5 million must be returned directly to 7,000 affected users and US $ 110 million is free of charge for high-end service packages for million subscribers in New York.

Internet company compensates 62.5 million USD because it cannot provide the connection speed as promised to users Picture 2Internet company compensates 62.5 million USD because it cannot provide the connection speed as promised to users Picture 2
Photo: BGR.

This incident caused other operators to improve honesty in advertising their services.

In 2016, Charter bought this Internet supply system from Time Warner Cable and renamed it Spectrum Cable. Ads by Time Warner Cable in New York before being merged with Charter were the cause of this unfortunate incident.

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