Instructions on how to adjust and match the subwoofer into a 2-channel amplifier at home
Choosing an appropriate subwoofer is inherently difficult but how to use it to achieve the best sound effect is even more difficult. Today's article will guide you to match subwoofers into 2-channel amplifiers and how to adjust subwoofers at home. Get started now!
- Learn about subwoofers and amps
- What is a subwoofer?
- What is amplifier?
- How to connect a subwoofer to a 2-channel amplifier at home
- How to adjust the subwoofer for the best sound
Learn about subwoofers and amps
Want to connect the subwoofer with the right technical amplifier, we first need to understand what is the amplifier, the subwoofer is.
What is a subwoofer?
Subwoofer is a type of music speaker used to reproduce sounds at low frequencies of about 20 - 200Hz, helping to enhance the bass, bringing vibrant and powerful sound effects. In addition to the 'subwoofer', this device is also known with many different names such as bass speakers, subwoofers, lumps, woofers, subwoofers.
Typically, the bass speaker will be composed of three basic components, the speaker cabinet, the speaker core and the connecting wire. The cabinet is made from wood, withstand high air pressure and is less prone to deformation.
Common types of subwoofers are now divided into 2 categories: Steam subwoofer and electric subwoofer.
- Steam subwoofer : Need an amplifier to provide power for the speaker. In order for the bass to be round, firm, free from noise and distortion, users have to choose the right speaker and amplifier with the right power and connect them correctly.
- Power subwoofers: Equipped with built-in amplifier functions, there is no need to connect to the amplifier as well as other intermediaries to output signals. Although more convenient and cost-effective, the sound quality of the power sub has not been able to overcome the steam sub.
Instructions on how to adjust and match the subwoofer into a 2-channel amplifier at home Picture 1
What is amplifier?
Amplifiers (or amplifiers, amplifiers, amplifiers) are devices that amplify electrical signals and audio signals from the beginning of karaoke, then transmit them to speakers, headphones, . Based on the configuration and purpose of use, Amply divided into 5 main categories:
- Preamplifiers (pre-ampp): Have the effect of shaping the signals from DAC, CDP but do not undertake the actual amplification function.
- Power amplifier (power amplifier): Audio amplifier is large enough to fit for active speakers.
- Integrated amplifier (integrated amplifier): A combination of power amplifier and amplifier amply.
- Monoblock amply : Handling two independent stereo channels from left to right.
- Dual mono amps: Created with 2 amplifier amps but use the same shell.
Instructions on how to adjust and match the subwoofer into a 2-channel amplifier at home Picture 2
How to connect a subwoofer to a 2-channel amplifier at home
As we have shared, connecting the subwoofer with the amplifier plays a very important role, deciding a part of the sound quality of the entire system. To correctly connect a subwoofer to a 2-channel amplifier, follow the instructions below:
Step 1: Determine the port to connect the subwoofer on the amplifier and on the sub speaker.
- On the subwoofer: IN port (red and white) in the Connections area
- On amplifier: Connection port at LINE (red and white) at OUTPUT area.
Step 2: Connect subwoofer with 2-channel amplifier
- Connect white port area OUTPUT, LINE LINE on the amplifier with white port of IN port on the sub.
- Connect the red port of the OUTPUT area, the LINe row on the amplifier and the red port of the IN port on the subwoofer.
Step 3: Signal test
After connecting the subwoofer and the amplifier, play the music to see if the sub speaker has a signal yet. If:
- Signal: You have successfully connected the subwoofer with 2-channel amplifier.
- No signal: Check the steps, see if the correct area is identified, connecting to the correct port.
Instructions on how to adjust and match the subwoofer into a 2-channel amplifier at home Picture 3
How to connect the subwoofer to the amplifier
How to adjust the subwoofer for the best sound
After successfully connecting the subwoofer and the amplifier, let us learn how to adjust the power subwoofer, subwoofer slightly for the best sound.
In fact, aligning the subwoofer is quite simple. On the control panel of the speaker will usually have a system of buttons, allowing users to master the functions. The important buttons on the subwoofer that you need to know are: LPF button, Phase button and Volume button.
Instructions on how to adjust and match the subwoofer into a 2-channel amplifier at home Picture 4
Subwoofer adjustment buttons
LPF button (frequency cut function)
Average wall, the sound that we hear is 1 sound range from 20 Hz - 20kHz, while the sound range of the subwoofer is the low sound range. The LPF button allows us to cut the frequency range from 30Hz - 150Hz (low range) to compensate for the missing sound that the speakers do not perform well. To adjust the LPF button, first, you need to see the parameters of the main speakers in the stereo and adjust them. For example, if the main speakers have a bass parameter down to 80Hz, you need to adjust the button clockwise to stop at about 80Hz.
Phase button (phase adjustment)
The phase shift is the sound condition of the main and subwoofer that are not in the same rhythm. The Phase button allows you to adjust the phase to prevent this situation. You need to adjust the phase from 0 - 180 degrees and listen to a song with lots of bass to the point where you can hear the most bass.
Volume buttons (adjust the volume)
The volume button allows you to adjust the volume of the subwoofer to suit your needs. However, in order to reduce the speaker's lifespan and not affect the ears, you should limit the volume to be too large.
Hopefully after our article you will know how to play subwoofer with 2-channel amplifier and how to adjust the subwoofer for the best sound. Visit to get more useful updates!
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