Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone

To order online train tickets, you have 2 choices. One is to visit the homepage of Vietnam Railways. The second is to use the application on mobile phones. Today, will guide you how to book tickets with the application on the phone. Please consult.

To order online train tickets, you have 2 choices. One is to visit the homepage of Vietnam Railways . The second is to use the application on mobile phones. Today, will guide you how to book tickets with the application on the phone. Please consult.

  1. Download Vietnam Railways app for iOS
  2. Download Vietnam Railways app for Android

Step 1:

Open the application and then press Start and Continue

Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 1Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 1 Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 2Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 2

Step 2:

Click Register . Here, there will be 2 options for you

Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 3Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 3

  1. Register via website
  2. Compose message with VT DK syntax send 8200 to receive login code. Service registration fee is VND 2,000 .Access account is the phone number that sends the message.

Step 3:

Here, we choose to register via the website. Next, fill in the registration information on the following form

Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 4Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 4 Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 5Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 5

Step 4:

After activating the registered mail, please login to find tickets. You enter some information like

Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 6Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 6

  1. Ticket type (One way or Return)
  2. Point away
  3. Destination
  4. Seat type (Sitting hard, Soft sitting, .)
  5. Days to go
  6. Return date (if selecting Return)

Then click Search

Step 5:

Then, the app will list trains based on the information you seek. Next, choose a suitable train and seat.

Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 7Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 7 Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 8Instructions for booking online train tickets by phone Picture 8

Hope the article is useful to you!

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