You want to know the UV index where you live or anywhere in the world. You can do it right away without installing 3rd party applications.

All you need to use is the iPhone's default Weather application. With this application you can check UV index anywhere in the world.

As you know, the default Weather application for iPhone has an extension that gives details about the weather. You can access it by scrolling the screen down. Here you can find information about UV index.

How to view UV index on iPhone using Weather app

Follow these steps to check the UV index of different locations around the world.

Open the "Weather" application on iPhone.

The application will display the weather for the current location. However, you can use swipe to see the weather of other locations.

Note: If the list does not have the location where you want to see the UV index, you can add it to the list by clicking on the three dash icon, then clicking on the + sign. Location will be added to the list. It will be at the end, to see it first, you can use drag and drop and move it to the top.

Scroll to the position screen to see the UV index down to access detailed weather information. Find 'UV Index' to see UV index information for that location.

How to view UV index on iPhone Picture 1

With this UV index you can have pre-departure preparations such as sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, masks, solar panels or any other means to avoid UV rays. Or if you want tanned skin, you can also choose the best time to get out.

Why should care about UV index?

UV index is a standardized measurement of ultraviolet radiation intensity from the sun.

Most health organizations recommend limiting the time of exposure to high UV index. And if at least should wear protective clothing, sunscreen, hats or glasses. With UV index recording, iPhone helps you prepare for outdoor situations in the most comprehensive way.

See more:

  1. UVLens application - protects you from harmful UV rays
  2. Accurate weather forecast applications on the phone
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