What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming?

FPS is an extremely important index that gamers care about when choosing to buy a computer. So, what is the FPS index? Let's find out with TipsMake.

FPS is an extremely important index that gamers are most concerned about when choosing to buy a computer. So, what is the FPS index? To have an extremely smooth experience when playing games, what is the minimum FPS level? Let's find the answer with TipsMake through the article shared below.

What is FPS?

Frame Per Second or FPS is a term that represents the number of frames per second . Specifically, FPS is a parameter that measures the number of images that the GPU (graphics processor) can render, then display on your screen per second.

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 1What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 1

To put it simply, FPS represents the number of images processed by the video card to display on the screen per second. Thus, in each second, the more frames the GPU can render and display it promptly and sharply on the screen, the more smoothness the user will feel in motion. This means that the higher the FPS, the better the displayed image quality will be.

Nowadays, most gamers require high FPS when looking for a computer to play games. High FPS will bring extremely smooth, realistic moments of entertainment as if you are truly immersed in the endless space of the game. On the contrary, low FPS will cause lag, making players uncomfortable and even lose interest in playing.

In addition, FPS is also known as a First Person Shooter genre (abbreviated as FPS). There, the user will be in the first-person perspective, which is the perspective of the person holding the gun and fighting in the game. However, within the framework of this article, this concept will not be mentioned.

Meaning of FPS parameters

If you still don't really understand FPS , you can come up with the following simple example: In case you play a game with an FPS of 10, then every second, the computer screen will display only 10 images. Just imagine it enough to understand that this speed is too slow and cannot meet the gaming needs of users. 

Similarly, each different FPS parameter will have the following meaning:

FPS parameters Meaning
24 FPS This is the minimum number of FPS to ensure that users are not uncomfortable due to jerks or lag when watching videos and images. However, for gamers, this number is still too low, not smooth enough to meet their gaming needs.
30 FPS With this FPS level, it will respond well to games using consoles. Because of course, it is still not suitable for gamers playing popular games like PUBG or LOL as it is now.
60 FPS Overall, the 60 FPS level is quite stable. This is a common parameter chosen by many gamers when playing popular online game genres today (such as LOL and PUBG). This FPS level ensures you can play games smoothly, give sharp images, and avoid lag when transitioning scenes.
120 FPS Professional gamers are no longer unfamiliar with this parameter. A computer with a scan frequency of 120 - 240Hz will provide extremely sharp image quality and ensure the best experience in every minute of gaming.
240 FPS Up to now, this is the highest FPS level that users can find on the market today. In fact, it is very difficult for you to see the difference between 240 FPS and 120 FPS. Along with that, a machine with a configuration that can meet this index is expensive and not easy to find.

What FPS is best for gaming?

Many gamers who are new to FPS often wonder how much FPS is good to bring the smoothest gaming moments. Here, TipsMake will answer this question for most readers.

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 2What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 2

It can be said that FPS is just an indicator. And choosing the appropriate level depends on many factors such as: game title, game type, preferences and desires related to the user's gaming experience.

So, if you only play regular games like LOL, PUBG or Dota 2, then FPS at 60 FPS is too good to bring great experiences. However, if you are a professional gamer and have higher requirements, you need to increase it to 120 FPS, even 240 FPS for the smoothest gaming experience.

It should be noted that the higher the FPS, the better the quality of the displayed image, from which you can easily observe and better adapt to in-game situations. However, between 120 and 240 FPS will not feel much different.

Factors related to FPS when playing games

When choosing FPS, you also have to pay attention to a number of other related factors to have the best gaming experience. These include RAM, display, graphics card, and CPU. 

Graphics card and CPU

For a computer for gamers, graphics card and CPU are considered important factors, directly and decisively affecting the FPS index. 

The more powerful a graphics card, the more images it can render per second. Therefore, the higher the FPS index will be, and the better the quality of the displayed image will be.

As for the CPU, this is the factor responsible for processing visual effects in the game such as smoke, snow, falling leaves. The better the CPU, the higher the realism, sharpness and vividness. .

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 3What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 3


RAM is a top concern and is carefully considered by gamers when choosing to buy a computer. This set of components has an extremely important function, supporting the continuous downloading of every detail of the game's images onto the computer screen. The higher the RAM, the larger the available space for data related to the displayed image, thus the better the displayed image.

Currently, except for the game League of Legends, which does not require too much RAM, most other popular games such as PUBG, Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty, Flight Simulator. all require RAM capacity. Large because of the world map with a huge number of images. Therefore, you should choose a computer with 8-16 GB RAM to have the best gaming experience.

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The screen will be a factor that directly affects image display quality. When the screen's scanning frequency is too low, no matter how high the FPS is, the displayed image quality will not be improved much. 

Most common machines will be equipped with a scanning frequency of 122 - 144 Hz. Overall, this is a pretty good level to meet a high FPS index. However, for gamers with higher requirements, you can also increase this parameter to create the realistic frame you want.

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 5What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 5

Instructions to fix low FPS

In case the FPS index is still low and not enough to meet your needs and desires, you can fix it through the methods shared below.

Update the Driver again

This is the simplest way currently. Driver is an element that plays a connecting role in the process of handling the interface between hardware and software. Therefore, if you want to increase the FPS index, you can update the Driver on the home page. Thus, image display quality will be better, and performance will also increase.

Turn off unnecessary background programs

When the image quality is not good, lag often occurs. However, the cause is not only from low FPS but can also be due to background programs that affect your experience. The best way is to turn off all unnecessary background programs when playing large capacity games to improve the above situation.

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 6What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 6

Adjust frame settings in game

Currently, almost all games allow players to adjust graphics to suit their needs and device configuration. Go to the game's settings, find unimportant and unnecessary effects and turn them off. Thus, the game will run smoother and you can also handle situations quickly and easily.

Hardware upgrade

Upgrading hardware is the best way to improve the display image quality of your device. If the above methods can only partially fix the discomfort caused by low FPS, then upgrading the hardware will improve almost all annoying problems related to weak configuration. From there, gamers can rest assured to fight hard with every movement in the game.

Effective tool to support FPS measurement

If you want to measure high or low FPS , you can use the support tools mentioned below by TipsMake. Specifically:

1. Xbox Game Bar

Xbox Game Bar is a great assistant for gamers. This tool offers many outstanding features, supporting tasks to create a better gaming experience for users. In addition to measuring FPS, this tool also has other functions such as: Capturing - recording the screen, customizing the game, accessing utilities quickly without leaving the game.

2. MSI Afterburner

MSI Afterburner is used by many professional gamers to enhance their gaming experience today. This tool not only measures FPS, but also displays in-depth analysis tables with specific metrics so users can grasp complete information.

What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 7What is FPS index? What FPS setting is good for gaming? Picture 7

What are the FAQs about FPS?

Below are some frequently asked questions related to FPS index that many readers sent to TipsMake. Let's find the answer here.

What effect does high FPS have when playing games?

The higher the FPS, the more frames displayed on the screen per second, meaning the better the image display quality. This is extremely useful for gamers as they can easily observe to react quickly and smoothly handle situations occurring in the game.

Should I choose FPS or resolution?

You can base on the game you are playing to answer this question. With FPS or eSports games, because the game tempo is fast and requires users to react promptly, frame rate is considered an extremely important factor. But role-playing or adventure games do not require too much FPS. At this time, you should prioritize resolution to have the most realistic experience.

Why is FPS important?

FPS reflects the frame rate and determines the quality of the image. FPS proves its important role even more in games that require timely observation and improvisation skills. Thus, FPS is an important indicator because it directly affects the user's skills and gaming experience.


Thus, the above article has answered the question of what is FPS for most gamers today. It can be said that FPS is an extremely important indicator, it greatly affects the image quality and gaming experience of the user. Therefore, determine your favorite game and choose the appropriate FPS level to have wonderful moments of entertainment.

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