How to Ping an IP Address Picture 8
Read the content of the obtained parameters. When executed successfully, the Ping command will return lines representing the response time of that address. TTL represents the number of hops involved in transmitting a data packet. The smaller this number, the more routers the packet passes through. The time here is measured in milliseconds, indicating the time it takes to establish the connection:Reply from bytes=32 time=102ms TTL=48 (Phản hồi từ số byte=32 thời gian=102ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=105ms TTL=48 (Phản hồi từ số byte=32 thời gian=105ms TTL=48)
Reply from bytes=32 time=105ms TTL=48 (Phản hồi từ số byte=32 thời gian=105ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=108ms TTL=48 (Phản hồi từ số byte=32 thời gian=108ms TTL=48)
You may have to press Ctrl + C to stop the ping command.
How to Ping an IP Address Picture 9
Read the summary table. When everything is done, a summary of the results will be displayed. Lost packets mean the connection to that address is unreliable and data is lost during transmission. The summary table will also show the average connection time:Ping statistics for (Số liệu thống kê Ping dành cho)
Packets (Gói tin): Sent (Gửi đi) = 4, Received (Nhận về) = 4, Lost (Thất lạc) = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds (Thời gian một vòng ước tính bằng mili giây):
Minimum (Nhỏ nhất) = 102ms, Maximum (Lớn nhất) = 108ms, Average (Trung bình) = 105ms
How to Ping an IP Address Picture 10
Check your input content. One of the most common error messages is: Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again (Lệnh ping không tìm được máy chủ Vui lòng kiểm tra và thử lại).
Usually it means you typed the server name wrong.
Try typing again, correcting any spelling errors. If the problem is still not resolved, then try another popular hostname, such as online search engines or news sites. If you get an error message 'Unknown server', then the problem most likely lies with the domain name server.
Use the server's IP address instead of its name (such as for ping. If successful, then either the address you used for the domain name server is wrong, or it cannot be reached or has crashed.
How to Ping an IP Address Picture 11
Check your connection. One of the other error messages is: sendto: No route to host (gửi đến: Không có tuyến đến máy chủ)
. This means that the port address is incorrect or the connection from your device is not working.
Ping that is your computer. If it doesn't, your TCP/IP is not working properly and the network switch needs to be reconfigured.
Check your wireless connection or the connection from your computer to your router, especially if it was working before.
Most computer network ports have an indicator light to indicate connection status and a light that flashes when data is being transferred. When the ping command transfers data at a rate of about 1 packet per second, the data light will probably flash.
Check that the router has appropriate (and error-free) indicator lights, including lights that indicate a good connection to the computer. If the error light illuminates, trace the cable from your computer to the router, make sure it's connected properly, and call your cable or bandwidth provider if necessary.