How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday

This year, try making this simple and delicious squash jam to enjoy and invite people on the warm and happy Chinese New Year.

Melon is a popular food and has many good uses for health. This is also the raw material to make the traditional squash jam, which is popular in Tet. This year, try making this simple and delicious squash jam to enjoy and invite people on the warm and happy Chinese New Year.

Ingredients for making jams

  1. 10kg old squash
  2. Clear lime water
  3. 25 grams of alum
  4. White sugar
  5. Vanilla

How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 1How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 1

How to choose old squash to make Tet jam

You should choose fruits with dark green skin, covered with downy hair, holding heavy hands, fresh stalks, straight fruits. Those are the old, delicious squash suitable for making the most secret jam.


How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 2How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 2

Buy squash about peeling away the skin, guts and seeds. Use the knife to cut the remaining part into 5 - 7cm long pieces of lead.

How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 3How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 3

Using lime to mix with water, wait for sedimentation and decant the clear water. Put the squash in lime water in the soak for about 8 hours or you can let it soak overnight (the amount of clear lime water must be covered with the pumpkin).

Once in a while, you take the pumpkin to wash it several times with clean water. When the pumpkin is completely smelled, pour it into a big basket, spread out evenly.

Mix 25 grams of alum into 3 liters of water and heat on the stove. When the water boils, release the pumpkin into the water for about 1-2 minutes to make the pumpkin clear and then immediately remove it and rinse immediately with cold water. Put the pumpkin in the basket, place the cool exit for the pumpkin to dry.

How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 4How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 4

Marinate the pumpkin with sugar at the rate of 1kg squash: 750 grams of sugar for about 4 hours to melt the sugar and infuse it into the pumpkin. Sometimes you turn to let the squash evenly spread the sugar.

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Add the pumpkin mixture and sugar to the deep-frying pan on the boiling stove, then reduce the heat to a simmer until the water runs out.

During the cooking process, you must use long, gentle chopsticks to swing back and forth to make the sugar and squash blend together. When the sugar is dry and the pumpkin pieces are attached, quickly put a little vanilla to create a fragrance, quickly turn the chopsticks and turn off the heat.

How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 6How to make delicious squash jam on Tet holiday Picture 6

Pour the pumpkin into cool, cool basket and place it in a sealed plastic bag or bottle for preservation.

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Note: If the pumpkin jam is still slightly wet, you need to heat it again to dry the jam.

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