How to change car color in Ojol The Game

Ojol The Game provides players with a free motorbike when they first enter the game. From this motorbike, you can make more money if you work hard as a motorbike taxi driver or work as a delivery shipper, food delivery...

And from the money you earn, you can buy other cars, new cars will have faster speed, more effective brakes and more aesthetics. But most of them will be quite expensive, you may have to ask for the help of Ojol The Game code to be able to buy a car in the early game.

However, you can renew your car for free if you don't have enough money to buy a car. Painting a car in Ojol The Game is completely free. If you want to repaint your car to suit your personality, follow the instructions below.

How to change car paint color in Ojol The Game

Step 1: To change the car paint color in Ojol The Game, return to the main interface, select Inventory in the upper left corner under Start.

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Step 2: Select the Motorcycle icon.

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Step 3: In the list of available motorbikes, you will see that the motorbikes you own will have a Custom section below. There you will see two boxes, one is Body Color to help you change the color of the car body, the other is Rim Color to help you change the color of the rim. Just click on the two colors of the current vehicle to change the vehicle color.

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Step 4: Choose the color of the wheels and body to change to your liking.

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Step 5: Combine colors so that your car looks eye-catching.

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How many types of cars are there in Ojol The Game?

The car is similar to the Vision/SH car

It can be said that because the appearance of this car is quite similar to the Vision and SH cars in real life. The speed of this vehicle will be improved compared to the default motorbike that you have when you first enter the game. Along with that, gasoline usage will also improve, and the car's brakes will also be better.

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The car is similar to the Piagio Zip

Compact and lightweight but has less speed than the car above, in return, the car's control will be easier, the brakes will be better and the fuel usage will also be less than the car above.

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The car looks like a Vespa

Very clearly, this car is identical to a Piagio Vespa, with the same speed as the SH above but the fuel usage will be less. Along with that, the level of control will also be easier and the vehicle brakes will also be improved.

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PKL car

Even though the fuel usage is quite high, this PKL will be so fast that as soon as the customer calls for delivery, puts the phone on the table, you will already appear in front of the customer. Or when receiving a motorbike taxi, the customer hasn't even finished putting on his hat and you've already taken him to the destination.


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No matter which vehicle you use to deliver goods to customers, you can completely change their color for free. This will refresh your car regularly. To quickly buy a new motorbike, find a way to get gold coins in Ojol The Game.

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