The Professional Game, a game that steals diamonds in a new way

The Professional Game is a humorous action simulation PC game where you play a stealthy thief with the goal of stealing a giant diamond from a museum.

However, instead of controlling your character's entire body, you will control individual parts such as arms and legs to perform climbing, sneaking, breaking glass to get diamonds, etc. .

Your task in The Professional Game is simply to take the diamond and place it in a glass box. However, due to the unique but quite difficult game controls, players will have to struggle with the thief to receive the diamond. Especially the time at the beginning of the game.

Touching the laser beams of the security system will cause you to be shocked, this will happen a lot when you are not familiar with the game's control mechanism. However, you can still touch it many times to gain experience for stealing. Please download the game using the link below to experience how to steal diamonds.

The Professional Game, a game that steals diamonds in a new way Picture 1The Professional Game, a game that steals diamonds in a new way Picture 1

Some highlights of The Professional Game

  1. Special gameplay: Instead of controlling the character to move the entire body, you will control individual parts such as arms and legs to perform actions such as climbing, crawling, crawling. Get the diamonds and return safely.
  2. Simple but impressive graphics: The pixelated graphic style creates a nostalgic and fun feeling.
  3. Many interesting challenges: Each level is a challenge that requires you to coordinate your body parts to overcome obstacles, avoid guards and complete tasks.
  4. Sense of humor: The thief's awkward and awkward moves will make you laugh when you first start the game.

You can download and play The Professional Game for free on operating systems such as Windows, macOS and Linux.

Some experience for new players:

  1. Don't be in a hurry when starting out: When starting the game, players must get used to the game's controls and they certainly won't get used to it. So slowly start with the character's movements even though it will make you impatient, even frustrated.
  2. Observe carefully: Pay attention to obstacles, guards, and the location of the diamond.
  3. Practice regularly: It is only possible by practicing because the more you play, the better you will coordinate your body parts.

The Professional Game is a great choice for those who love:

  1. Fun action simulation game.
  2. Unique and challenging gameplay.
  3. Simple but impressive graphics.
  4. Sense of humor and entertainment.

Torfi Developer

The Professional Game was developed by Torfi, an independent game developer from Iceland. Torfi is a game developer specializing in developing simple, fun and highly challenging games. Some of Torfi's other famous games include:

  1. Super Hexagon: Rhythm game with simple yet challenging gameplay.
  2. NUTS: NUTS is a humorous action-adventure game where you play as a spy squirrel who secretly collects walnuts and dodges dangers in the forest.
  3. The Witness: Puzzle game with beautiful graphics and great music.
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