How to Become a Vampire in Skyrim
Become a regular vampire
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Infectious "Sanguinare Vampiris". This is the disease that will turn you into a vampire. You can become infected by allowing vampire enemies to attack. You will have a 10% chance of being infected every time you are attacked by a vampire's physical weapon and the "Vampiric Drain" spell.
Morvarth's Lair is one of the places vulnerable to Sanguinare Vampiris because the holes in the cave are filled with various low-level vampires. You can take a few hits before you're about to die and will most likely be infected. Other locations include Bloodlet Throne, Haemar's Shame, Fellglow Keep, and Broken Fang Cave.
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You need to make sure you are not immune. If infected with Lycanthropy (werewolves), you will be immune to Sanguinare Vampiris. Using Hircine's Ring will also make you immune. Additionally, Argonians and Wood Elves are rarely infected due to their natural resistance to disease.
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Do not cure Sanguinare Vampiris. This disease will last 72 hours in the game to transform into a vampire. After this stage, the character will turn into a vampire.
You'll see notifications with a flashing red light signaling the 72-hour deadline is approaching.
The character needs to be exposed to sunlight at least once before the game allows you to transform into a vampire.
Sanguinare Vampires can be cured by drinking Cure Disease or praying at the shrine. Therefore, avoid doing these things for 3 days.
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Use the console (PC only). You can quickly become a vampire without being infected with Sanguine Vampiris by using the console to cheat. First, open the console by pressing the key ~.
Enter and press (remember to replace 'playerrace' with the race name). For example, if you are Khajit, enter .player.setrace playerraceracevampire↵ Enterplayer.setrace khajitracevampire
Become a Vampire Lord
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Download Dawnguard. You'll need this Skyrim expansion if you want to access Vampire Lord's special features. Dawnguard is available for all operating systems that play Skyrim. Vampire Lords have noticeably different weaknesses to fire and ice than vampires in standard Skyrim.
Vampire Lord can transform into a terrifying winged monster. You'll be able to cast Blood Magic and unlock many powerful vampiric abilities.
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Start the Dawnguard mission. After installing the Dawnguard expansion, guards and innkeepers will begin telling the player about the group of vampire hunters. At this point the mission will begin. You need to move to Fort Dawnguard east of Riften city, southeast corner of the map.
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Start the quest "Awakening". After mentioning Dawnguard, you will receive this quest and be sent to Dimhollow Crypt. Here you will meet Serana and be escorted by this vampire to meet her father at Castle Volkihar.
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Take Serana home. Take Serena to Castle Volkihar west of Solitude. Give Serana back to Lord Harkon and he will offer to make you a Vampire Lord. This is your first chance to become a Vampire Lord, but if you refuse, you have two more chances.
During the Chasing Echoes quest, Serana will offer you the position of Vampire Lord. This is because living creatures cannot enter the Soul Cairn normally.
After defeating Harkon and completing the quest Kindred Judgment, the final request in the Dawnguard questline, the player can ask Serana for the title of Vampire Lord.
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Use the console (PC only). If you don't like doing the quest to become a Vampire Lord, you can get past it by cheating with the console. Press the key ~to open the control panel.
If you are not a regular vampire, you can use the command in the first part to transform.
Enter the following command to activate the ability to become a Vampire Lord: player.addspell 300283b. Then enter player.addspell 301462ato gain access to Vampire Lord spells.
Living as a vampire
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Balance between positive and negative effects. Every 24 hours after becoming a vampire, you will transform into the next stage. You will probably go through four stages with increasingly different positive and negative effects. If you drink blood, you will return to stage 1.
Each stage will increase your tolerance to ice, but at the same time you will also be more sensitive to fire.
The damage you can suffer from sun exposure increases with each stage.
Through each stage, you will unlock more spells and increase your vampiric powers.
Machine characters (NPCs) gradually increase their hostility towards you through each stage and will attack you as soon as they see you in the fourth stage.
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Move at night. Sunlight will hurt you, especially as you progress to the later stages of vampirism. Traveling at night will also help you avoid most NPCs. Make reasonable use of vampire abilities to hide from enemies.
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Sucking blood to quench hunger. If you want to limit most of the disadvantages of vampires, you need to eat the right meals. In standard Skyrim, you can suck the blood of a sleeping person by approaching them and pressing the interaction button like when using the Pickpocketing skill. The Feed option will appear allowing you to suck blood.
In Dawnguard, you can suck the blood of a waking person if you use the vampire's Seduction spell first.
Sucking blood will make onlookers hostile, and you will also be deducted 40 gold coins if caught.
Sucking your wife's blood is one of the easy ways to control your bloodlust.
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Heal vampirism. Once you've had enough of the vampire life, you can take on a special quest to reverse the process. First, ask any bartender about rumors to hear about Falion, the vampire researcher. You can find Falion in Morthal.
Falion will tell you that vampirism can be reversed with a filled Black Soul Gem. You can collect souls for the Black Soul Gem by using the Soul Trap spell on a human opponent before defeating him. Falion will sell you an empty Black Soul Gem if needed.
Bring the filled Soul Gem back to Falion and he will remove your vampire attributes. This process can be repeated as desired, as long as you have the Black Soul Gem.
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Cure vampirism with console (PC only). If you can't do the quest and are desperate about escaping your life as a vampire, you can use the console to cheat and finish it right away. Open the control panel by pressing the key ~.
Enter player.addspell 301462athen press ↵ Enter. Then, enter again showracemenuand change the race. The vampire trait will be cured immediately.
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