'Rebirth of the vampire': The mystery of the brick-mouthed remains of the 16th century

Female remains buried with a 'vampire ward' have revealed many interesting things.

According to Ancient Origins, a skull holding a large brick attracted special attention by the Venice Archaeological Surveillance Agency (Italy) during excavations at the medieval site Nuovo Lazzaretto, located on the outskirts of Venice. That's what people used to do with people considered vampires.

'Rebirth of the vampire': The mystery of the brick-mouthed remains of the 16th century Picture 1'Rebirth of the vampire': The mystery of the brick-mouthed remains of the 16th century Picture 1

Reconstructed image of a female "vampire" discovered in Italy - Photo: Cicero Moraes

Analysis shows that this skull belongs to a woman about 60 years old, who died in the 16th century.

According to Mr. Cicero Moraes, a forensic portrait restoration expert, the head of the project to "reincarnate" this female "vampire", the deceased may have been blamed as the culprit causing the epidemic that devastated the area. .

Since the 14th century, the plague swept through medieval Europe and continued to flare up again and again until the 17th century.

At the place where the skull was unearthed, there was once a sanatorium from the 14th century, next to which were mass graves where victims of the pandemic were buried.

Fear of the "black death" has caused people here to treat some people who they believe belong to evil forces, causing the epidemic, in extreme ways.

Some medieval vampire stories from the region claim that vampires were responsible for causing the plague by biting others.

Analysis showed that the brick was deliberately stuffed into the dead man's mouth, as superstition at the time held that this would prevent the "vampire" from biting another person, thereby preventing the person from resurfacing. wake up and continue to spread the disease, or attack others in the burial pit.

The person who was accused of being a vampire himself had symptoms like the plague but was said to only pretend to be sick to blend in.

The "rebirth" results showed that the "female vampire" was a woman with a slim face and straight silver hair. The remains of her body were mixed with other remains in the mass grave.

Other analyzes also show that women belong to a lower social class, as shown by their diet consisting of only cereals and vegetables.

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