Google launched a new 'take down' network tool

Google has just launched a new tool with a feature that helps consumers save significant amounts of money paid for telecommunications service providers.

Google has just launched a new tool with a feature that helps consumers save significant amounts of money paid for telecommunications service providers.

Google launched a new 'take down' network tool Picture 1Google launched a new 'take down' network tool Picture 1

Specifically, the tool is integrated into the mobile Chrome browser for two popular iOS and Android platforms, helping users reduce data mining by up to 50%.

New tool using proxy SPDY connection runs on Google servers, in which it optimizes data transmission, such as encrypting all WebP image formats, so that data downloads will has less capacity than the original popular formats ( JPEG and PNG ).

To activate the 'save' tool mentioned in the Chrome mobile browser, users need to install the latest version of Chrome, then click 'Settings' , ' bandwidth management ' ( bandwidth management ) , and press 'on' in the ' Reduce data usage ' section .

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