Five reasons to need a new anti-virus method

As we can see, anti-virus programs often don't keep up with threats, so sometimes you come across your computer with malware but your computer's anti-virus software still can't do anything. . Worse

As we can see, anti-virus programs often don't keep up with threats, so sometimes you come across your computer with malware but your computer's anti-virus software still can't do anything. . Even worse, you sometimes find rootkits on network servers that have downloaded several GB of pornographic images through data stream changes (ADS). Norton versions are already installed on each server, but it cannot detect rootkits because they boot on zero-rings before antivirus applications load and show the operating system that everything is normal. . Nothing can observe ADS, so antivirus programs cannot catch the download here.

Five reasons to need a new anti-virus method Picture 1Five reasons to need a new anti-virus method Picture 1 The problem here is that malware changes very smoothly and silently for years. Five important features have been listed in current threats to help antivirus / antispyware programs keep up:

1. Critical attack of malware

Gone are the days of attack that caused old-fashioned troubles. Instead, today malware often focuses on users with separate operating models. It usually depends on what the user does, which site he accesses online, whether he downloads from risky sites or he is careful about downloading files attached to e-mails, problems Similarly.

2. Malware changes code constantly

They change their symbols every day, so antivirus programs can't keep up.

3. For the sake

Malware is now mainly business criminals, their purpose is money or competitors. The culprits are engineers who are knowledgeable about software, usually those who work well in antispyware companies.

4. Some antispyware is malware

Five reasons to need a new anti-virus method Picture 2Five reasons to need a new anti-virus method Picture 2 This is a very dangerous trap for users. For example, pornographic websites often deal with people who provide malware, when someone visits the site, it downloads a fake antivirus program along with pornographic images. The user first understands it as a 'service' when pop-up ads appear on the page, then the page scans the victim's hard drive and 'finds' some viruses. To eliminate them, all the work that users have to do then is buy this program for about $ 10. In fact, no virus program has been detected and deleted, but you still have to pay for those jobs, all you can get is a fake guarantee that your computer is completely clean. In fact, after the best effect you have had is 'owning' a 'bad' antivirus program, even worse, there may be something silently behind the machine firewall. friend. And so, $ 10 multiplied by thousands of victims will give this scammer a significant amount of money.

5. Standard antivirus programs are often ineffective

Designers of malware always test their work with anti-virus products from companies such as Norton, McAfee and other conventional antivirus and antispyware systems to make them impossible to detect malware. when it invades. After a while, any good antivirus company will catch up and the holes will be patched and the bad ones will change their code so that these programs will not be repeated.

Jason Bradley, who was responsible for CCE's computer solutions at Oxford, who managed about 400 computers, after a period of research has produced a software with a new method that is Prevx software. Please read and download the trial at In this new method, Jason Bradley said: ' I always look for new issues and Prevx is a completely different method. It does not compile the program and check the symbols it observes the main activity '.

Prevx installs an agent on the user's computer and pre-downloads it in the boot cycle and then checks the operation of the code that runs on the computer. It sends data back to Prevx server in the UK, where it is compared to all other Prevx users running the software. If the difference is found here, it will send a message back to the users' computers waiting for them. The user can then decide whether or not to remove the code.

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