Facebook has 1 billion regular users on mobile

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO, announced that mobile Facebook has reached 1 billion regular users every month.

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO, announced that mobile Facebook has reached 1 billion regular users every month.

Facebook has 1 billion regular users on mobile Picture 1Facebook has 1 billion regular users on mobile Picture 1

The above information was made by the CEO of the world's largest social network when answering a question about the plan to buy a virtualization company Oculus VR for $ 2 billion on March 25.

Recently, Facebook has invested a lot in developing applications for mobile devices and reaching 1 billion regular users does not surprise many people. In December, Facebook's mobile user base reached 945 million.

In his interview, Mark Zuckerberg also revealed that, besides Facebook and Instagram, there are now more than 200 regular users, doubling from 100 million at the time Facebook bought this app. .

The strong development of Instagram shows that, despite owning this application, Facebook still lets Instagram grow independently. Many experts believe that this is a suggestion for Oculus Rift to be assured that their company will still be independently developed despite returning to Facebook's common home.

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