Facebook automatically blocks people you've blocked without notice

Facebook errors are very worrying for those who have to block other users from being harassed and disturbed.

Facebook recently announced an application bug that affected about 800,000 users when within a week it canceled at least one of the user's blocked lists. Writing on the blog, Erin Egan, the company's head of privacy, said the error occurred from May 29 to June 5. Egan said the error did not make the two of them continue to be friends on Facebook, but the blocked person could now see shared posts to many people, such as sharing with your friends. They still can't see the content only friends can see.

Blocked people can now resend the friend invitation if they realize they are suddenly blocked. Egan also confirmed that they could send Messenger messages to people who had previously blocked them. According to Facebook, 85% of users are only blocked from blocking one person on their block list.

'The problem has been fixed and the blocked person has been blocked again. Those affected will receive a notification from Facebook, encouraging to check their blocking list, 'Egan said.

800,000 people are just a small number compared to 2.2 billion Facebook users but that is still a significant number if you think about many people blocking not only because they don't like the posts of the other but also because of avoiding being harassed, doing mind.

Facebook automatically blocks people you've blocked without notice Picture 1Facebook automatically blocks people you've blocked without notice Picture 1
Users who receive a message to fix the error cancel the user on Facebook

Facebook also began to explain why there is this error and why it exists about a week. In response to journalist Josh Constine, the official Facebook account on Twitter said that the connection between the 'post-viewer' and the 'action they can take with that post' has been deleted.

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