Effective excel learning method

Excel, one of the most important and indispensable computer skills, and TipsMake share the most effective 'Excel learning method'

Excel - 1 of the indispensable computer skills. Therefore, to learn excel, you must understand the nature as well as the support tools on excel to calculate and process data quickly, simply and accurately. To understand EXCEL METHOD effectively, you should carefully read each word below.

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To master excel, it is necessary to have certain learning methods. Along TipsMake share 'Effective method of learning excel' below.

Excel has now become one of the most important and essential IT skills .Therefore to grasp

how to learn excel effectively must understand the nature as well as the support tools on excel to calculate and process data.

The quick and simple way, the most accurate.

The effective method of learning excel is to practice perseverance

Any job needs perseverance and so does excel.However, Excel does not simply apply to

a function that combines many functions to produce fast and accurate results.Therefore it is imperative to remember all functions in


Excel learning method - learn carefully the basic functions

Excel functions are programmed functions used to calculate or perform a certain function.The proficient use

The functions will save time, and bring high accuracy.

* Math functions in excel

ABS function: get the absolute value of a certain number

Syntax: ABS (number) number: the number you want to get the absolute value.

Example: ABS (3) = 3

EXP function: exponentiation of base e = 2.718281828459

Syntax: EXP (number) number: exponent of radix e.

Example: EXP (1) = 2,71828183

INT function: rounds a number down to the nearest integer

Syntax: INT (number)

Example: INT (8,9) = 8

==> one day you will see how cool this INT function is!

ROUND: round a certain number in excel

Syntax: ROUND (number, num_digits) number: the number you want to round.num_digits: the number of digits we want to round

Example: ROUND (2.15,1) = 2.2 ROUND (21.5, -1) = 20

SUM function: sum numbers in a series of numbers. Syntax: SUM (number1, number2, .)

Example: SUM (3,2) = 5

* Date functions:

DATE function: returns the full date value.

Syntax: DATE (year, month, day)

For example, DATE (2014,2,14) returns January 14, 2014.

DAY function: returns date value Syntax: DAY (serial_number)

For example, DAY (A2) A2 is the 14th cell that returns 14. The same is true for the MONTH and YEAR functions.

TODAY function: returns the current date in the system

Syntax: TODAY () VD Nay February 14, 2014. TODAY () = February 14, 2014.

* Logic functions: AND, OR, IF functions, .

* Statistical function group: MIN, MAX, AVERAGE, COUNT, SUM, SUMIF, .

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Above them are the most basic functions used in excel.So you have to memorize and memorize like 'Multiplication Table'.

The quickest way to remember: first to learn the syntax of the function, then to the function's function, and in which case to use it, you can solve the problems in a specific way.

Method of learning excel - Practice doing exercises about excel regularly:

One of the extremely important factors in effective learning methods excel.This will help you remember the formula, and adapt many types of math problems in excel.However, you should first choose moderate exercises to manipulate and familiarize, memorize functions.Then move on to more difficult exercises.
Avoid cases, memorize functions very detailed but do not know how to apply to problems and understand problems but not functions

Excel learning method - Knowing errors and handling errors quickly

Basic mistakes in excel, you have to understand and remember.If you encounter an error and don't understand what it is, you will never be able to fix it, such as common errors: #NA, ###, #NUM! ……

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Hopefully, through the useful information on the effective method of excel study, you will have your own knowledge and method for learning excel.

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