Test Microsoft Excel P13
In this article, network administrators will continue to learn about Excel software through extremely interesting multiple-choice questions below. Try to see how many questions you will make.
- Question 1. For the following table of data in MS Excel 2010:
Test Microsoft Excel P13 Picture 1
Requirements: Calculate value = Quantity * Unit price * (1 - Reduction level). In particular, the reduction is calculated as follows: If the quantity sold is less than 50, the reduction is 0; conversely, the reduction will be 10%. What is the formula in cell F2?- D2 * E2 * (1-If (D2 <50; 10%; 0%))
- D $ 2 * E $ 2 * (1-If (D2 <50; 0%; 10%))
- D2 * E2 * (1-If (D2 <50; 0%; 10%))
- D2 * E2 * 1-If (D2 <50; 0%; 10%)
- Question 2. When entering the value 3 + 4 in cell A3 of Sheet 1 in MS Excel 2010 and Enter, what is the content displayed in cell A3?
- 3 + 4
- #NAME?
- No display at all
- 7
- Question 3. In MS Excel 2010, cell F8 contains the content "06KT5A002". Formula = RIGHT (F8; 4) will result in:
- "06KT"
- "0012"
- "twelfth"
- twelfth
- Question 4. In order to combine multiple regions at the same time on MSExcel, what key combination do we press while selecting?
- Alt
- Shift
- Ctrl
- Esc
- Question 5. With the formula = MAX (20, MIN (5,100)) the result is
- 5
- 100
- 20
- All is wrong
- Question 6. Suppose the formula in cell F3 is A5 + Sheet3! G $ 4. After copying this formula from cell F3 to cell F4, what is the formula in cell F4?
- A5 + Sheet 3! G $ 5
- A5 + Sheet 3! G $ 4
- B5 + Sheet 3! H $ 4
- A6 + Sheet 3! G $ 4
- Question 7. In MS Exel 2010, give the following table of employee salary data:This data sheet applies from vv. 7 to 10
Test Microsoft Excel P13 Picture 2
Use the last two characters of the employee code to look up the code to fill in the BOARD. Which of the following formulas is created in cell F6?
- = HLOOKUP (LEFT (D6; 2); $ H $ 15: $ K $ 16; 2; 0)
- = VLOOKUP (LEFT (D6); $ H $ 15: $ K $ 16; 2; 0)
- = HLOOKUP (LEFT (D6); $ H $ 15: $ K $ 16; 2; 0)
- All answers are wrong
- Question 8. In the Code Type column, set up the formula to extract the first symbol of the Employee code. Which of the following formulas in cell H6 is correct?
- = LEFT (D6)
- = LEFT (D6; 1)
- = MID (D6; 1; 1)
- All right
- Question 9. The number of working years is taken from the 2nd and 3rd characters. Which of the following formula in cell I6 is the best?
- = RIGHT (D6; 2)
- = MID (D6; 2; 2)
- = VALUE (MID (D6; 2; 2))
- All is wrong
- Question 10. To calculate the number of employees in cell K12, how do we formulate?
- = COUNTA (E6: E10)
- = COUNT (E6: E11)
- = COUNTIF (E6: E10; "X")
- = SUM (E6: E10)
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