DuckDuckGo offers free access to anonymous AI Chat with 4 models to choose from

DuckDuckGo yesterday announced the news of integrated AI Chat available to all users. The free function offers a choice between 4 different AI models while protecting user anonymity.

DuckDuckGo offers free access to anonymous AI Chat with 4 models to choose from Picture 1DuckDuckGo offers free access to anonymous AI Chat with 4 models to choose from Picture 1

DuckDuckGo announced its AI chat integration is leaving beta and officially launching in a blog post:

DuckDuckGo AI Chat is an anonymous way to access popular AI chatbots – currently Open AI's GPT 3.5 Turbo, Anthropic's Claude 3 Haiku, and two open source models (Mistral's Meta Llama 3 and Mixtral 8x7B), plus More models coming soon. This optional feature is free to use within daily limits and can be easily turned off.

Here's how DuckDuckGo describes its key features and what's coming up:

  1. Chats are private, anonymized, and not used for any AI model training.
  2. Find DuckDuckGo AI Chat at,, on the search results page under the Chat tab or via the shortcut states (shortcuts that take you quickly to search results on other pages) !ai and ! chat. chat.
  3. Improvements are underway. DuckDuckGo's roadmap includes adding more chat models and points to the browser. The platform will also offer a paid plan to get access to higher daily usage limits and more advanced models.

DuckDuckGo's AI Chat also works in Private Search. And to clarify further about privacy, the company says 'basic model providers may store chats temporarily, but there is no way for them to link chats back to individuals. Thank you because all metadata has been removed' .

See more details in DuckDuckGo's announcement post.

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