Don't Make These Mistakes When Using a Smart Camera

Certain habits can significantly reduce the effectiveness and functionality of your smart camera. To truly get the most out of your device, avoid making these smart camera mistakes.

Having a smart camera in your home can give you a sense of security and peace of mind. But simply installing the device is rarely enough. Certain mistakes can significantly reduce the effectiveness and functionality of the camera. To really get your money's worth, avoid these smart camera mistakes .

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Buy the wrong camera

Smart cameras are no longer a rarity or a luxury. A quick Google search or an e-commerce site will show you that there are plenty of options available. The problem, however, is that not all cameras are created equal. For example, a particular model may perform well during the day but not in low light. If you need nighttime surveillance, it's easy to see why such a camera might not be useful.

Like most devices, home security cameras come with a variety of features, and this is something to consider before you buy. You should do your research, spend at least a few days comparing, and maybe even testing out a few models before you choose one that will best protect your home.

Camera placement is not appropriate.

You can buy the best smart camera for your home, but if you don't place it properly, you won't get the coverage you want. This may sound obvious, but many people install their smart cameras in the wrong places.

Especially when installing an outdoor smart camera, you want to make sure that you don't place the camera in plain sight because it could be stolen, but you also don't want to place it too far away from where the action is taking place. You also want to be mindful of decorations that might obstruct the camera's view.

Seasonal changes like growing foliage can also create obstructions that weren't there when the camera was installed. If you don't think carefully about where you'll place your camera, you may find yourself constantly having to move it. Before setting up your device, be sure to research the best places to install smart cameras on your property and position them wisely so you get the best coverage.

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Install smart cameras outside Wi-Fi range

If you have a fairly large home or are trying to secure areas outside your home with a smart camera, one issue you may encounter is maintaining a Wi-Fi connection. If your camera is too far away from your router, it may struggle to capture high-quality video, experience lag, or even disconnect entirely.

Skip update

Like other smart devices, your smart camera needs to be updated with the latest software and firmware. You need to update promptly if you want to take advantage of new security patches and features that can improve your device experience.

If your camera doesn't have an automatic update option, set a reminder to update it manually on a regular basis. It's easy to forget, but skipping updates can leave you and your home vulnerable to security vulnerabilities.

Use easy to guess passwords

If your smart camera has a default username and password, be sure to change them immediately after setup, even if you think the default password is secure enough. You don't know who has access to it, and not setting a complex or unique password can leave your device vulnerable to hacking.

You should also change your password at least twice a year to further reduce the chance of unauthorized access or hacking. If your device has any additional features, like two-factor authentication or encryption, turn them on.

Think your password is too complicated to remember? There are many ways to create a memorable password, from including characters from your favorite nursery rhyme to using doodles on your keyboard.

Above are common mistakes when using smart cameras in the home . Remember not to make them!

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