Does the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B make Windows computers run faster?

Recently, on the internet, there are a lot of videos that suggest Windows tricks that are quite good. However, there are some videos titled about a small trick to make the game 'smoother' by using the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B while playing the game.

And according to the explanation of these videos, this action will increase the FPS.

Does the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B make Windows computers run faster? Picture 1Does the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B make Windows computers run faster? Picture 1

However, according to experts, this action while playing the game does not make the game "smoother" or increase FPS, but on the contrary can cause hang-ups if abused too much. Or "unlucky" is that if you are in an important Rank match, you may be out of the game immediately.

So what is the real effect of the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B?

In fact, the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B has the effect of refreshing (Reset) the graphics driver on the computer back to the original state when starting the computer. This combination is only available when you notice a frozen computer screen or display errors like Visual Artifacts. Then, use the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B to fix it.

Why using the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B when playing games can cause crashes?

Does the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B make Windows computers run faster? Picture 2Does the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B make Windows computers run faster? Picture 2

While you play the game, the computer system will operate at full capacity and make the most of the system resources, as well as the power of the hardware components for processing. At that time, if you use the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B, this "process" will be broken, disturbing the process. Therefore, it is very easy to hang up or quit the game suddenly.

So in summary, should you use the keyboard shortcut Win + Ctrl + Shift + B when playing games?

The answer is: It shouldn't.

What should I do if I experience lag when playing games?

First, you should refer to the minimum and ideal configuration of the game you play so that you can upgrade your computer accordingly. Next, for online games, you should make sure your internet connection is stable and high speed. Then, the lag when playing the game will definitely not happen anymore.

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