How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars

In order to create the sweet taste of confectionery, jam and apricot sauce ... production facilities often use a lot of chemical sugars. The following article will help you know how to distinguish and identify apricot cells as well as general processed foods that have chemically sealed sugar.

O mai is not only a nutritious snack but it also has the effect of solving alcohol and healing, so it is loved by many people. However, at present, there are many types of apricot species of unclear origin, processed without ensuring food safety and hygiene, causing harm to the health of consumers.

In order to create the sweet taste of confectionery, jam and apricot sauce . production facilities often use a lot of chemical sugars. The following article will help you to know how to distinguish and identify apricots as well as processed foods in general with "hydrated" sugar.

How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 1How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 1

Identify the apricot "suck" the sugar by taste

The chemical sugars are often soluble in water, odorless, colorless, and are difficult to detect with the naked eye. To identify them, you can taste this sugar.

Unlike sugar with sweet taste and cool, chemical sugar has a strong sweet taste, dark, slightly acrid. In particular, after eating there is a feeling of slit in the throat, slightly bitter in the tongue, when drinking water, the sweetness of the mouth lingers.

If you eat too much of the "hydrated" foods, you may have a headache, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus or allergies.

How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 2How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 2

Testing at home

If you suspect that food contains sugar, you can test it at home by heating food. Because saccharin sugar is 300 - 400 times sweeter than natural sugar, when heated, it releases phenol, which makes food taste unpleasant.

Choose products with clear origin, guaranteed

Instead of using sweet drinks, sidewalk food, unknown origin, you should make your own food at home to ensure hygiene and good health.

If you have to buy processed food outside, consumers should choose products with a clear label, origin, and reputable manufacturer. Besides, you need to carefully read the components of the product before deciding to buy and use them.

Harm when using many chemical lines

How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 3How to recognize the umbrella of sugar and chemical sugars Picture 3

Certain synthetic chemicals that are not allowed to use have a certain effect on human health.

For pregnant women : If you regularly eat a lot of chemical sugars: irritating intestinal inflammation of the intestine, damaging the function of the kidneys, causing disorders and impairment of digestive function, hindering the absorption of nutrients nourishment.

For children : Constrain the development of the child even causing malnutrition, growth retardation, abnormal mental illness or development.

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