If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly

Salted cucumber in the right process and ensure non-toxic hygiene, but if you eat salted cucumber, it is not guaranteed to cause cancer.
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Melon, coffee is a familiar dish of most Vietnamese people. This is an indispensable anti-food dish on the family's tray, especially in Tet holidays and a dish of many people.

Pickle is an ancient traditional dish of Vietnamese people, but recently the information said that eating pickles increased the risk of cancer. This has made people psychologically bewildered, shy and away from pickles.

So what is this information really like? Is it true?

To help you solve these questions, the following article will provide you with useful information from experts to find you the most satisfactory answer.

If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 1If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 1

Melon, salted is a double-edged sword for health if you eat too much

It is undeniable that salted cucumber is not beneficial to us, in the process of fermenting melon, salted coffee produces many types of bacteria that are good for the digestive system, helping to digest food in the stomach. and the gut is easier. With a mild sour taste, easy to eat with delicious yellow color, melon, salted coffee helps stimulate appetite and appetite when eating with many fatty foods, starch. But besides these benefits, it also has harmful effects if used incorrectly or overeates. Because in pickles as well as green vegetables generally contain nitrate salt. While pickling salt, nitrate is affected by bacteria in the environment that causes an oxidation reaction to turn into nitrite.

So, when you eat melon, the acid content of the stomach will create conditions for nitrite to affect amino acids in foods such as meat, fish, shrimp . forming nitrosamine compound - a substance capable of causing cancer. letter.

In addition to melon, salted tomato, medical experts also believe that the general salted foods such as crab, shrimp, fish, meat, especially shrimp sauce, produce nitrosamine compounds. Through many studies, nitrosamine has been shown to cause cancer in experimental animals and potentially cause cancer in humans.

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So, the more nitrosamines absorbed, the greater the risk of cancer - especially esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer .

1. Eating melon, salted coffee has an increased risk of cancer?

As mentioned above, eating melon, salted coffee can cause cancer but this only happens if you use it improperly or eat salted cucumber.

According to many studies, in melon, salted and chilli is still hot and pungent, the content of nitrate is converted into nitrite by microorganisms in salt water.

If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 3If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 3

However, when enough salt is available, the acidity is reduced very quickly, limiting health damage.

If you regularly eat salted cucumber, especially in the case of weak health, stomach disease is available, your risk of cancer is very high. Therefore, scientists recommend that if you like to eat pickled and salted, then you should avoid salted pickled vegetables.

In addition to the above factors, we do not except the possibility of toxic chemicals from pesticides, chemical fertilizers that still exist on vegetables, melons, and coffee also cause the body to suffer from cancer.

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It can be seen that chemical fertilizers and pesticides help plants grow and prevent pests and diseases.

However, due to objective factors, the residues of these chemicals remain on the vegetables and foods we use.

Research by scientists at the University of California (USA) has shown that pesticide and toxic chemical residues in fruits and vegetables can accumulate in the human body, thereby causing many cancers such as cancer of the liver, stomach, ovarian cancer .

Besides the above reasons, another reason for melon and coffee can be harmful to health is that the ingredients for salted cucumber are not guaranteed.

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If coffee salt in clay pots, porcelain made from terracotta sources contaminated with heavy metals, coffee and pickled water can be contaminated with lead and mercury.

Many houses do not have pots, porcelain, then make use of plastic containers or paint cans used to make salted pickles for sale. This is really an extremely harmful habit, affecting the health of many people. Did you know that in the paint cans, even though they are thoroughly cleaned, there are still some harmful chemicals such as anti-emulsifiers.

When soaking these foods for a long time in these paint containers, especially melons, acidic salt pickles in pickled salt water will make the poison in the plastic fade, dissolve into the water. And gradually it will infiltrate into food, penetrate into human body affecting the digestive system and central nervous system.

If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 6If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 6

Therefore, the advice that experts recommend is to pickle salt with glass jars and absolutely say "NO" to melons, pick up salt, put in recycled plastic tools, paint cans .

The above causes, though, are only the causes of human misuse, which causes salty cucumber to be "unjustly" known to cause cancer.

2. How to eat pickles and sauces safely

As mentioned above, salted pickles when fully "ripe" and ensured by hygiene are not toxic. Therefore, when eating melon, you need to ensure the following factors:

If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 7If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 7

  1. Cauliflower salt should use ceramic containers, crockery without gaudy patterns. The most convenient is to use white plastic containers, made from PVC (please take a closer look at the plastic composition of the product).
  2. Absolutely do not eat salted pickled vegetables, especially do not eat with shrimp sauce because they will facilitate the production of nitrosamine toxins, which can cause stomach cancer.
  3. Those who should not eat pickled vegetables: People with gastrointestinal disease, stomach ulcers, cirrhosis of the liver . Pregnant women and children, the elderly should limit eating.

If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 8If you want to eat melon and coffee without worrying about cancer, use them properly Picture 8

  1. Do not eat melon, salted tomato when hungry, especially people with heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, stomach ulcers . because it can make the disease worse
  2. Eat melon, salted coffee when "ripe" - yellow, fragrant, no longer pungent, ngun . Absolutely do not eat melon, salted coffee has been ripe or too ripe, too sour, change dark color, viscous, smell .
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