Porcelain crowns finished care and hygiene properly?

Porcelain crowns finished care and hygiene properly? This is a question that many people are interested in. Let TipsMake.com find out!

Grandparents often have the saying: 'The tooth is the corner of the human hair' - This is a saying with many meanings and up to now, it still retains its value. Teeth, hair are the appearance adjustments that are shown on the outside, highlighting the meticulousness and carefulness in the personality, helping you create an impression on others at first sight. Currently, in order to be more confident when laughing and communicating with people, many people have chosen porcelain crowns to improve their teeth. Porcelain crowns finished care and hygiene properly? This is a question that many people are interested in. Let TipsMake.com find out!

What are porcelain veneers?

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Beautiful white teeth that everyone wants to own.

Porcelain crowns are a method of restoring teeth, improving the shape of teeth when they are chipped, thin, soft or chipped, dull teeth due to antibiotic coloring, tooth decay, myelitis, erosion of enamel, . Many people choose to use this method to get a white teeth, beautiful, looks very natural. However, porcelain teeth are only effective for a certain period of time. And if this is something you're considering, call the orthodontist temple terrace fl.

Porcelain crowning process like?

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The porcelain crowning process consists of two basic steps

Technically, porcelain crowns only affect the appearance of the teeth.

First, the dentist will perform cleaning and grinding the base on your own real tooth.

Then, they will install porcelain crowns outside the base of the tooth, both to protect the true teeth, and to restore the new tooth with the shape and color of the standard teeth.

The advantages of porcelain crowns are:

  1. Achieve high aesthetic effect, new teeth have natural colors like real teeth, help you get new teeth straight, beautiful white, confident smile and communicate with people around.
  2. Ensure safe, painless, restore chewing function quickly, do not cause irritation to the body, teeth no longer dull, no lime or tooth decay.

The life of porcelain teeth

The life of a porcelain tooth depends on your care, maintenance as well as procedures, prosthetic technology for teeth. In particular, the type of porcelain you choose to wrap is a special factor that determines the durability of porcelain teeth.

Currently, there are two main types of porcelain: metal porcelain teeth and porcelain teeth Metal porcelain teeth (the main raw material is titanium) will usually last for 5 to 10 years, better care can last up to 15 years.

High-grade all-porcelain teeth are more durable, lasting between 15 and 20 years. If you know how to protect and preserve it, the maintenance period can be extended.

In addition, the life of a porcelain crown must consider the condition of the original tooth (whether the root canal has been removed, how much or if there is more dental tissue, how to bite, etc.)

How to care, hygiene and protect teeth after porcelain wrap

Proper oral hygiene

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8 standard brush steps

This is the most important and necessary method to take care of oral health in general, porcelain dental care in particular. The daily scientific oral hygiene will directly impact the quality and aesthetics of porcelain teeth. Here are some things to keep in mind when you practice oral hygiene:

  1. Do not forget to brush your teeth after meals, before going to bed, about twice a day with a soft bristle brush;
  2. Replace the brush every 3 months to remove bacteria that can hold on and live on oral hygiene tools every day;
  3. Brush your teeth properly, especially with porcelain teeth, you should brush longitudinally to avoid tooth damage, porcelain crowns with severe abrasion reduce the durability of beautiful teeth;
  4. Use toothpaste that contains the right amount of fluoride;
  5. Clean the gaps with food in teeth with toothpicks, floss, mouthwash without damaging the gums;
  6. Combine gentle finger massage around the edges of the porcelain gums to stimulate blood flow here;
  7. Going to the dentist to get tartar periodically to remove long-standing plaque, clean teeth, avoid tarnishing teeth.

In addition to dental floss, we introduce you to a special product - a toothpick machine. As the name implies, a toothpick can be explained as a water flosser.

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Use a toothpick to bring higher efficiency for oral hygiene

The toothpick machine offers a lot more convenience than ordinary floss or bamboo toothpicks. The device is able to effectively clean both small teeth or molars in a water jet, does not enlarge teeth, cause gum damage, toothache.

Not only that, you will not have to massage the contour of the gums, the gums manually, but a toothpick can do this. The product is convenient, easy to use, suitable for people with gingivitis, braces, dentures, .

Adjust your diet

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Limit eating and drinking foods that are harmful to teeth after dental porcelain wrap!

The diet directly affects your teeth, especially when you are wearing porcelain teeth, the more you need to pay attention to this problem.

Any type of porcelain tooth material can only hold firmness within a specific limit. In addition, because teeth are porcelain, they can also be broken if subjected to strong force. To protect the beautiful straight teeth, remember to adjust your chewing force in equilibrium, not too strong nor too light, not chewing hard, chewy and hard foods.

In addition, you must limit eating foods that are too high in sugar, too sweet and dark like confectionery, carbonated soft drinks, juices containing stimulants such as wine, beer, coffee, . Rinse your mouth clean right after eating, drinking the foods mentioned above! Otherwise, the dark layer, the sugar layer will stick on the porcelain teeth and continue to tarnish the teeth, difficult to keep the original shine.

Not only that, the acidity in these drinks will damage tooth enamel, create cavities in the teeth, allowing bacteria to grow. Instead, eat lots of green vegetables, fresh fruits, malic acid-containing tubers like apples, strawberries, etc. for good dental health.

Finally, you should also pay attention not to eat foods that are too hot or too cold to avoid shortening the life of your teeth!

Absolutely no smoking

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Smoking is one of the causes that stain teeth quickly, dull. Because, in cigarettes containing nicotine, it is the substance that sticks to the teeth for a long time, which is the agent that discolored teeth, porcelain teeth layer discolored.

This nicotine layer is difficult to remove if only brush your teeth daily. So, once you have porcelain teeth, you absolutely must not smoke if you do not want money and your beautiful teeth to quickly 'fly away'.

Not only that, tobacco also has a negative effect on health, especially your respiratory system and those around you, such as relatives, friends, colleagues. Be a person who has a sense of self-protection and responsibility to the community!

Improve your habit of grinding teeth when you sleep (if any)

Teeth grinding is a habit many people encounter. However, this habit is not really good for health and especially directly affects the results of porcelain veneers. So, if you are wearing porcelain teeth and often grind your teeth, find ways to improve them!

Not only affect porcelain teeth, grinding this teeth also affect your health as:

  1. Causes of headache pain;
  2. Over time, it can deform the face;
  3. Causing damage to teeth, jaw, face;
  4. Broken teeth, worn teeth, lost teeth;
  5. May become synaptic jaw syndrome.

You should research the cause of this habit to find the right method of change or see a doctor for direct treatment advice.

Proactive periodic dental visits

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Should take the initiative to visit the dentist periodically every 6 months to promptly overcome the symptoms of damage in porcelain teeth

Taking initiative in regular re-examination can help you promptly discover many problems that your teeth are facing, thus have a timely solution.

During use, if you feel that the porcelain teeth have any abnormal signs such as tingling, prolonged aches and pains, cracks, you should immediately go to hospitals, reputable dental facilities. Credit for examination and treatment. The dentist will help you clean if the surface of teeth or cleft is stuck with leftovers, check the contour of the gum line when signs of infection, .

If there is regular monitoring and inspection, the life of porcelain teeth will be extended.

Above are suggestions of TipsMake.com on how to care and hygiene porcelain crown standard, hope they help you in your health care.

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