Check out 10 types of special foods that are harmful to teeth

Please take a look at 10 kinds of special foods that are harmful to your teeth to avoid with us in the article below!
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We all want a healthy smile and often do everything from seeing a dentist, not eating sweets to maintaining a diet. However, foods that look safe below may become a threat to your teeth.

To help people realize that, we've compiled a list of all the things we eat every day that could be harmful to health.Please take a look at 10 kinds of special foods that are harmful to your teeth !

10. Blueberries

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Blueberries do not affect the health of the teeth, but their blue color does not make the teeth white . Of course, if you don't eat blueberries often, that will not happen, and those who eat a lot of these fruits will become a little more golden.

9. White wine

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Those who like white wine have to choose between choosing their favorite drink or choosing healthy teeth. Alcohol can cause yellowing and tooth enamel damage. In addition, drinking too much alcohol can lead to oral cancer. Therefore, you should choose healthy teeth if you do not want to affect your teeth. And head over to Jason Ray DDS in Santa Monica for regular check-ups to keep your teeth in top condition.

8. Red wine

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Like blueberries, red wine does not really affect teeth, but it changes the natural color of the teeth into an unsightly gray.

7. Snacks

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Fried fried snacks contain carbohydrates, under the influence of saliva they quickly transform into glucose, causing small holes in the teeth . When eating fried foods, plaque can form on teeth, so don't forget to rinse your mouth with water after eating a snack.

6. Chew gum

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Sugarless gum seems safe for teeth. But the biggest risk is not sugar, but the negative effects of chewing gum on the parts of the teeth. Also, when chewing gum will increase saliva, creating an alkaline that will damage your tooth enamel.


5. Butter popcorn

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What would you think about going to the movies without eating popcorn? However, you should do this because they can damage your teeth and make your teeth weaker. This sweet food includes carbohydrates that will make harmful glucose.

4. Tomato

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Like citrus fruits, tomatoes are acidic. Acid harms teeth and increases tooth sensitivity. Try not to cook dishes that contain tomatoes too often.

3. Bread, pasta and potatoes

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Foods high in starch will stick to your teeth and stay in your mouth for a long time. Starch causes the formation of plaque on teeth . Moreover, starch turns into sugar when exposed to saliva, which can lead to tooth decay and other serious problems.

2. Dried fruit

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Dried apples and pears are often too sweet, while apricots, plums and other dried fruits endanger the structure of the teeth by its stickiness. Dried fruits contain many sugars leading to tooth decay and tooth enamel damage.

1. Tea

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Everyone knows that tea contains caffeine, causing some negative effects on the body, not on the teeth. There is very little fluorine in the tea but contains more caffeine.Fluorine is essential for the human body, but too much will affect the health of bones and teeth. For safety, do not drink more than 4 cups of tea / day.

Bonus: Find out what toothache has to do with internal organs on the body

Check out 10 types of special foods that are harmful to teeth Picture 13Check out 10 types of special foods that are harmful to teeth Picture 13 © depositphotos © depositphotos

Some doctors think there is a connection between a painful tooth and an organ on the body . For example, if your canines are painful, you should go for a gallbladder test. If your front teeth are hurt, check your heart or stomach. It is difficult to prove this connection, but if you want to remember the effect of teeth on internal organs, you can use the image above.

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