Computers can be controlled by hackers because of YM errors

Buffer overflows in two ActiveX Web components of the online messaging tool can provide an opportunity for hackers to install viruses, Trojans to steal information or install backdoors to control a victim's computer.

Buffer overflows in two ActiveX Web components of the online messaging tool can provide an opportunity for hackers to install viruses, Trojans to steal information or install backdoors to control a victim's computer.

To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker creates a website or e-mail and then tricks the victim into viewing it. If they click on the link or open the email, the exploit code is executed and the computer will be controlled.

BKIS Network Security Center assessed that this is the most remarkable cyber security event in the past month because it could affect the Internet community in Vietnam. Yahoo Messenger currently has about 16 million chatter in the country used.

Computers can be controlled by hackers because of YM errors Picture 1Computers can be controlled by hackers because of YM errors Picture 1 BKIS recommends that if you are unsure if your computer has been patched, users should install the latest version of Yahoo! Messenger available at:

In the past 30 days, Malware (a common way for malware types including: viruses, trojans, spyware, adware) with "herd" infection is a big danger.

" When infected with this type of malware, if not cured in time, the victim's computer will quickly be infected with a series of other malware from the Internet, " said Virus Manager of BKIS Vu Ngoc Son. " When users access a website that contains malicious code, the Malware 'landing' starts to take place. First, they lower the security level of the system, disable firewall programs. This preparation step will enable them to continue pulling other malware from the Internet without any problems. "

According to statistics, there were 351,000 domestic computers infected with this type of malware and each of them could pull about 15 to 20 other malware.

No. Virus name Infection rate1W32.WinibA.Worm6.60%2W32.Winib.Worm6.25%3W32.CatchYMK.Worm2.41%4W32.CatchYMQ.Worm1.84%5W32. SCkeylogA.Trojan1.61%6W32.DakNongB.Worm1.54%7W32.RavMonA.Worm1.47%8W32.SalityS.PE1.41%9W32.NotifyB.Worm1.36%10W32. CatchYMN.Worm1.35%

" If you see unusual signs like: strange web pages automatically pop up, the browser home page is changed to another site . then the computer may be infected. Please contact the application. expert to receive timely assistance , "Mr. Son recommended.

Nguyen Hang

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