Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi?

In technology terms, man-in-the-middle (MITM) is an attack that is intercepted by a third party (hackers) during communication between the server and the user. Instead of the data being shared directly between the server and the user, the links will be broken by another factor. Then hackers will change the content or add some malware to send to you.

In technology terms, man-in-the-middle (MITM) is an attack that is intercepted by a third party (hackers) during communication between the server and the user. Instead of the data being shared directly between the server and the user, the links will be broken by another factor. Then hackers will change the content or add some malware to send to you.

Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 1Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 1

1. Attacks by Man-in-the-Middle method

In technology terms, Man-in-the-middle (MITM) is an attack that is blocked by a third party (hackers) during the communication process between the server and the user. Instead of the data being shared directly between the server and the user, the links will be broken by another factor. Then hackers will change the content or add some malware to send to you.

Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 2Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 2

Users using public Wi-Fi are more likely to be 'victims' of Man-in-the-Middle attacks. The reason is because the information and data are not encrypted. When the router is 'compromised', your data will also be attacked, hackers will access your email, username, password and private messages, etc.

For large e-commerce sites such as PayPal, eBay or Amazon use their own encryption technology, but to be more secure, you should not make banking-related transactions, transfer or buy. Online shopping using public Wi-Fi.

2. Fake Wifi connection

The change of an MITM attack is also known as "Evil Twin" . This technique blocks your data during transmission, bypassing any security security system of a public Wi-Fi Hotspot.

A few years ago, Doctor Who showed users the 'danger' of technology, especially the problems caused by connecting to a malicious router.

Setting up a fake access point (AP) is not too difficult, and that is how hackers use to 'entice' users to connect and block users' information. Hackers can use any device that can connect to the Internet, such as a smartphone, . to set up a fake network access point (AP). And when users connect to this access point, the data sent will be attacked by hackers.

It is recommended that you use a virtual private network (VPN) to establish the level of full encryption, data and connection between direct users and the website. This will partly prevent hackers from attacking.

Additional information:

Doctor Who is a sci-fi TV series produced by the British BBC, which began in 1963. The film features the main story about the adventures of a self-proclaimed Time Lord claim to be The Doctor.

3. Packet Sniffer

Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 3Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 3

Packet Sniffer or Protocol Analyzer are tools used to diagnose and detect network problems and related problems. Hackers use Packet Sniffer for the purpose of eavesdropping on unencrypted data and viewing information exchanged between the two.

This method is relatively simple to use, and even in some cases it is not illegal to use this method.

4. Sidejacking (Session Hijacking)

Sidejacking is based on collecting information on packets (packet sniffing). However, instead of using the data in effect, hackers can use it on location. Even if worse is bypass some degree of encryption.

Login details are usually sent through an encrypted network and verified using the account information provided on the website.

This information is then responded by using cookies sent to your device. However, the network is not encrypted later, and therefore hackers can take control and can access any personal account that you have logged in.

While ' cybercriminals ' cannot read your password through sidejacking, they can download malware to attack the data, including Skype.

In addition, hackers can steal your personal information. Just go to Facebook and all your personal information is 'neat' in the palm of the hacker.

Public hotspots are the most useful 'tools' for hackers. The reason is because the percentage of users is pretty much. Therefore, to be more secure, you should install the HTTPS Everywhere utility for your browser or free VPN applications.

Also, if you are using Facebook, you should also go to Settings => Security => Where You're Logged In and log out of your account remotely.

Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 4Can your data be stolen when using public Wifi? Picture 4

Refer to some of the following articles:

  1. How to know if your computer is being "attacked" by a hacker?
  1. How to set super strong iPhone password to hackers also "give up"
  1. 50 Registry tricks to help you become a true Windows 7 / Vista "hacker" (Part 1)

Good luck!

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