On the physical server controller, set a temporary password for eucalyptus users with the command:
sudo passwd eucalyptus
Register the physical server controller
Before proceeding, you must know the physical server's IP address. Check with the following statement:
/ sbin / ifconfig
Next, you must install the ssh key of the front-end server for the physical server controller:
On the physical server controller, set a temporary password for eucalyptus users with the command:
sudo passwd eucalyptus
On the front-end server, enter the following statement to copy the SSH key:
sudo -u eucalyptus ssh-copy-id -i ~ eucalyptus / .ssh / id_rsa.pub eucalyptus @
Then, you can remove the eucalyptus account password on the physical server with the command:
sudo passwd -d eucalyptus
After the physical server is ready and the key has been copied, run the following command from the front-end server to identify and add physical cloud computing servers to the cloud:
sudo euca_conf --no-rsync --discover-nodes
Load user authentication information
Enter the following statements on the front-end server to create a new directory, export the compressed user credentials (User Credentials), then extract:
mkdir -p ~ / .euca
chmod 700 ~ / .euca
cd ~ / .euca
sudo euca_conf --get-credentials mycreds.zip
unzip mycreds.zip
cd -
User authentication information is also available via the web-based configuration utility. However, it will take more effort to download them and move to the server.
Setting up EC2 API and AMI tools
Now, you have to set up EC2 API and AMI tools on the front-end server. First, enter the following command to set up the Eucalyptus environment:
~ / .euca / eucarc
To do this automatically when you log in, enter the following statement to add the above statement to the ~ / .bashrc file :
echo "[-r ~ / .euca / eucarc] &&. ~ / .euca / eucarc" >> ~ / .bashrc
Next, to install the cloud computing user tool, enter the command:
sudo apt-get install ^ 31vmx32 ^ 4
To make sure everything is fine, enter the following statement to display the details of the server cluster available:
.~ / .euca / eucarc
euca-describe-availability-zones verbose
Access the web background control panel
You can now access the web-based configuration utility. From any computer on the same network, go to the following URL: https: //: 8443. The IP address of the cloud controller will be displayed immediately after logging in to the front-end server. Note that using HTTPS instead of just HTTP will be safer. You may encounter a security warning from a web browser because the server uses a self-signed authentication mechanism instead of a known processing mechanism by a CA (Certificate Authority). Ignore the warning by adding an exception. The connection will remain safe.
Authentication information when logged in is ' admin ' by default with both the Username and Password fields. When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to set up a new password and email.
Photo settings
Now that you have set up a basic computing cloud, you can proceed to install the image. Open the web background control panel, click the Store tab, click the Install button for the image you want. The download process will start and then the image will automatically install. This will take a long time to complete.
Launch the image
Before launching the image on the physical server for the first time, run the following commands to create a double key (keypair) for SSH:
touch ~ / .euca / mykey.priv
chmod 0600 ~ / .euca / mykey.priv
euca-add-keypair mykey> ~ / .euca / mykey.priv
In addition, you need to open port 22 on the physical server using the following command:
euca-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
You can finally launch the image. The command to launch the image is on the web interface. Login to the web interface, click the Store tab and select the How to Run link with the image you want. It will display a popup with the correct statement.
The first time you run the instance, you will have to wait a while for the image to be saved. You can check the version status by running the command:
watch -n5 euca-describe-instances
When it converts the word 'pending' to 'running', reference the assigned IP address and connect to it:
IPADDR = $ (euca-describe-instances | grep $ EMI | grep running | tail -n1 | awk '{print $ 4}')
ssh -i ~ / .euca / mykey.priv ubuntu @ $ IPADDR
To cancel the SSH connection for the version, run the command:
INSTANCEID = $ (euca-describe-instances | grep $ EMI | grep running | tail -n1 | awk '{print $ 2}')
euca-terminate-instances $ INSTANCEID
Maintain cloud computing
At this point, you have a stable cloud of computing. If you encounter any problems during operation, you should consult the official documentation. Before stopping the article here, I would like to give you some additional working commands:
Here is the location of some important files: